•Part 20• May We Meet Again...

Start from the beginning

Soon Wonder Woman. Superman. Batman. The Flash. Nightwing. Star fire. Raven and Gar and many other s all attacked at once. Each throwing everything they got at her.
This was a fight to the death. Either she died or they did. Either way she would bring Peace. No one wanted death. Well maybe expect Constance in her state. But deep down she didn't.

As ten fight raged on and in. Many people were tired. Constance was one of them. Her peer dwindling with each blow she served.
"Please. Constance. Stop this. Please. You are my Best Friend. Please I'm begging you. Stop" Megan begged as she stood I front of her fiend. Her tired worn out friend. "I will never stop until my Utopian world
Is built" she groaned out as she threw another punch. "Utopia must prevail. Utopia must live!!" She said as she continued to fight.

And soon. It would come down to one final blow to Constance that would end this fight.

But as she continued to fight. Richard saw something. A faint glow round Constance's frame. He grabbed Batman and told him to look closely at her. "Look. Her fire power is dying. Her glow she always has is vanishing" Richard says sadly. And Batman saw what he meant. The more she fought. The more her powers died. The less energy and strength she had. The less life she had to carry in. At the rate she was going. She would be dead or at the very least dying from how much she fought.

"Connie..." Superboy said softly and this seemed to briefly stop her. "Connie... I know you want this so badly. But you'll die if you keep doing this" Superboy said sadly as he had overheard Richard and Batman. "Please Connie. We all came together to save you. To bring you home. Look at us. Villains and Hero's. Working together. For Once. Because of you. That's what you wanted right? Peace between us. Right?" He said and everyone stopped. No one moved.

Tears threatening her eyes she stood as tall as she could and look around. "Utopia must prevail" she said her voice cracking as tears fell "I know. I know yo I think that right here and now. But look at us now. " Poison Ivy said "thanks to you kid we villains agreed to help. Because we wanted to help you" Joker added. "You brought us together. Like you've always done" Artemis added.

Constance looked at the ground as the rain lessened.
"I have to bring Utopia. I have to. U have to save everyone!!! " she screamed. Pain clear in her voice. Her mind so broken. Her heart so broken. Souls and body. Broken.
She tried to fight the thoughts in her head. But they were to strong. So she listened and attacked again. With such force that it sent people

Once again they had no choice but to fight her. She would not give up. She wouldn't stop no matter what they said.

But then.... with one final blow. Constance collapsed to her knees on the ground. Her breathing heavy. Her heart rate soaring. Her mind foggy as everyone stopped and gathered round her
Constance was exhausted. They all were but not like her.
She Powers had finally died...
her life force was dying as well. The rain continues to fall on them all as Constance finally speaks.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry. All I wanted was peace... yet I created Chaos..... please forgive me.." she spoke her voice weak and soft as she sat there. Her hands planets don ten ground i front of her as she sat on her knees. Her body you could see was pale and weak.
"Constance..." Batman spoke Como g right to his daughter just as she started to fall over.
He caught her heavy weak plane body and removed her mask and his. Not caring a bit if the villains knew he was Bruce Wayne. All he wanted was his daughter.

"Constance. It's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for." Bruce started as he cradled her softly but tightly.
"Daddy. I'm sorry. I should have had better control. I'm sorry. Please forgive me Daddy" she cried tears falling.
The hero's and Villains tour t gem formed a circle as they watched. Tears falling form all of their eyes.
Their hearts breaking as they see the one person they all cared for growing weaker and weaker

"Hey you stay awake okay. I'm gonna take care of you. Okay. I will never leave you" Bruce said. "I see her. " Constance muttered "who baby girl?" Bruce asked tears falling now as he knew who she wa stalking no it. He and everyone around knew what she meant. And knew she wasn't going to make it.

"Mommy... mommy you're back" Constance said just as someone grabbed her hand softly. Richard had come to her and Bruce. So did Megan and Artemis. Conner and Tim. Rachel Gar and Kory. Dawn Hank and Donna. Superman Wonder Woman and Manhunter. Joker and Harley. Ivy and CatWoman. They all gathered near her and Bruce. Each placing a Hand on them.

"Constance. Please. Don't leave. Don't you dare die" Bruce begged his daughter.
But it was to late. Her body went limp as she let out her last breath....

Or was it her last breath???

Suddenly. Like her transition. Constance's body became engulfed in glowing blue Crystal.

No one understood what this meant.
Could she be dead?
Is she alive??

Was this really the end of the Mighty Fire Fox?
The end Of Constance Wayne??

Or could this be the beginning of something else?
Could Constance bring incased in Blue Crystal be a sign of more to come???

Of Hope?
Of the possibility that's she's alive?
Of her coming back?

Is she transforming? Is she being saved??

So many questions were being thought of as Bruce Wayne held his daughters body close to him.
Not wanting to let her go for any reason.
He feared if he did he'd lose her permanently. That was something he couldn't bare with.

"May We Meet Again" Bruce said softly as he held his daughter.

What everyone wanted to know the most.

What happens next??
Will Constance Wayne come back to them??

The Daughter Of Batman •The First Installment Where stories live. Discover now