Nightmare (Fluff)

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Y/N's POV.

I could feel it. I could feel its presence lurking behind me but I was too scared to turn around. I tried to look for a way to escape, but as I went deeper into the woods, the path was getting more and more twisted and there was nowhere I could go to escape. I couldn't stop to even think for a second because of that thing that was after me. I was running through a path of trees and suddenly, its long arms  appeared from the sides and tried to grab me! I ran as fast I could and tried to avoid its arms as much as I could. I tried screaming but my voice was dead, only air coming out of my throat. I was a bloody, sweating mess and no matter how fast I run or where I go, it was still after me.  I turned around and I still saw it chasing me, I quickly turned back around and there it was! It was right in front of me! I tried to dodge it but it grabbed me and its slender, creepy looking fingers wrapped tightly around my neck. I tried to scream again but it began to chock me and I was loosing breath. Beads of swear were running down my forehead and my body was starting to feel numb. The figure opened its mouth, revealing its huge set of teeth and....


"LISAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed at the top of my lungs and immediately woke up. My breath was ragged, my eyes were bloodshot red and I was sweating terribly. I immediately rocked myself back and forth, trying to recover from what I'd just witnessed. I guess Lisa must've heard my scream and immediately came by my side and wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

Lisa's POV:

I was startled by the sound of Y/N's scream that I almost fell out of bed. I turned over looking at her with groggy eyes but they immediately shot open when I saw her rocking herself back and forth- while having a panic attack. I immediately jumped out of bed and wrapped my arms around my shoulder. She flinched at my sudden touch but melted right in when she saw it was me. I rubbed her shoulders and asked her worriedly "Y/N? Baby are you okay? What happened?" She didn't respond but instead wrapped her arms around me tightly and started crying on my chest. I hugged her tightly and rubbed her back, helping her calm down. "Shh its okay babygirl, I'm here now, you can relax now".

 After for what seems like an hour, she finally stopped crying and began to relax a bit. She pulled back and I looked at her, "What happened Y/N?" She looked at me and began to stutter "I-I had a nightmare and it felt so real and you weren't there and I was terrified and-, I could see her eyes getting teary again so I kissed her for her to calm down. "Hey baby, its okay" I whispered in her ear as I rested her back on the bed and brought the covers up on her. I propped myself on my elbow and began playing with her hair . "Its alright baby. It was just a nightmare okay? just relax and get some sleep." She declined at first but after a while she gave in. I brought her closer to me until she was laying on top of me- our legs tangled together. I kissed her forehead and brushed through her head. "Get some sleep love, I'll be holding you until then! I won't let you go. I promise." She gave me one last kiss. "Thank you Lili, I love you!" I watched her as she closes her eyes. I hummed out her favorite song " A Miracle 3 days ago" by Moonbyul from Mamamoo and within seconds she fell asleep. I gave her a kiss on her temple and whispered "Good night my love, I love you so much". I closed my eyes and we both fell asleep in each others arms.

UwU that made me so soft! I know this update was a bit short but I really didn't know how to make this any longer and I'm a bit lazy today so yeah 😅 Anyways, hope ya'll enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! 

And also, ya'll should go definitely check out Moonbyul's "A Miracle 3 Days Ago". It came out last year and I'm absolutely in love with the song! She's an amazing vocalist, rapper, my freaking girl crush and I fuckin love her so much! Ya'll should definitely to it, and all her other songs as well as Mamamoo's songs! I gurantee ya'll won't regret it.

Stay safe and stay happy ya'll! Saranghae <3

Your lesbian author,

Hershey :)

I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow cuz I'm mentally and physically tired and I thought of taking a three day relaxation period. See ya'll on Monday :)

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