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"I have never seen the Dark Lord act like he did with you with anyone." Harry smirked at that,

"I'm just that cool,"

"I thought he would curse you for speaking out about the Death Eaters." Narcissa put in and the others nodded.

"Your magic cub," Remus breathed in awe,

"I keep it tightly under wraps," Harry said with a grin.

"I understand why," Lucius said, "If you didn't, you would attract attention everywhere you went." The blond aristocrat then turned to his son.

"You, Draco, also have to explain why you thought it would be prudent to steal the Philosopher's Stone along with Harrison."

"We wanted to explore the 3rd floor and we found the Cerberus hidden there."

Narcissa squeaked.

"They are keeping such a beast in a school full of children?" She demanded looking at the actual staff.

"I did not know it was a Cerberus." Severus muttered.

"That old man has something wrong with him." She hissed and no on disagreed.

"Carry on, Draco,"

The blonde swallowed.

"Well, we wanted to know why they needed something like that guarding the floor and Harry overheard the golden cubs speaking about someone called Nicolas Flamel. We found out he was the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone and so we decided to go and steal it because we knew someone else wanted it too."

"And we were bored," Harry threw in.

"You are going to be the death of me." Sirius and Lucius sighed at the same time.

"I cannot condone deliberately placing yourself in danger, other factors or not, as soon as we get to the manor you are banned from flying for a week and grounded." Sirius told Harry who looked horrified.

"What? No! That's unfair." He complained.

"Draco, you have the same for aiding him." Lucius stated and Draco looked outraged.

"But, father-,"

"Do not argue, both of you should be thankful it isn't more."

They both closed their mouths glaring at the adults.

"Now you can return to the common room, go straight there and next time you can think before you do something completely dangerous." Remus said and they left without a word. They adults all collapsed in to the nearest seat and Severus summoned the firewhiskey, he poured generous helpings in to eat glass and handed them out.

"What in Merlin's name has my son got himself in too?" Sirius asked the room after a moment of silence.

"I don't know, but it is set to be eventful at least." Lucius drawled.

"Seconding that," Severus raised his glass.

"Did you feel his magic?" Narcissa questioned after they had drank.

"There was just so much of it." Sirius shook his head.

"I would have not believed it if I had not felt it myself, he had power; beyond that." Lucius stated.

"It is just what he does with it is what matters, someone like that on the apposing side would be crippling." Narcissa pointed out.

"Overall, it is lucky he had an agreement with the Dark Lord early on. I can only imagine what he can do with it. I have never seen someone so young control their magic like Harrison." Severus said and then his brow rose, "I cannot believe he has an agreement with the Dark Lord."

"I didn't even know he could negotiate." Lucius scoffed.

"I wonder what it is." Narcissa put in with a pensive look on her beautiful face.

"It is anyone's guess, but I have no doubt we shall all find out." Remus stated and they all sighed; nothing was going to be simple.


"I have never seen the Dark Lord act like he did with you with anyone." Harry smirked at that,

"I'm just that cool,"

"I thought he would curse you for speaking out about the Death Eaters." Narcissa put in and the others nodded.

"Your magic cub," Remus breathed in awe,

"I keep it tightly under wraps," Harry said with a grin.

"I understand why," Lucius said, "If you didn't, you would attract attention everywhere you went." The blond aristocrat then turned to his son.

"You, Draco, also have to explain why you thought it would be prudent to steal the Philosopher's Stone along with Harrison."

"We wanted to explore the 3rd floor and we found the Cerberus hidden there."

Narcissa squeaked.

"They are keeping such a beast in a school full of children?" She demanded looking at the actual staff.

"I did not know it was a Cerberus." Severus muttered.

"That old man has something wrong with him." She hissed and no on disagreed.

"Carry on, Draco,"

The blonde swallowed.

"Well, we wanted to know why they needed something like that guarding the floor and Harry overheard the golden cubs speaking about someone called Nicolas Flamel. We found out he was the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone and so we decided to go and steal it because we knew someone else wanted it too."

"And we were bored," Harry threw in.

"You are going to be the death of me." Sirius and Lucius sighed at the same time.

"I cannot condone deliberately placing yourself in danger, other factors or not, as soon as we get to the manor you are banned from flying for a week and grounded." Sirius told Harry who looked horrified.

"What? No! That's unfair." He complained.

"Draco, you have the same for aiding him." Lucius stated and Draco looked outraged.

"But, father-,"

"Do not argue, both of you should be thankful it isn't more."

They both closed their mouths glaring at the adults.

"Now you can return to the common room, go straight there and next time you can think before you do something completely dangerous." Remus said and they left without a word. They adults all collapsed in to the nearest seat and Severus summoned the firewhiskey, he poured generous helpings in to eat glass and handed them out.

"What in Merlin's name has my son got himself in too?" Sirius asked the room after a moment of silence.

"I don't know, but it is set to be eventful at least." Lucius drawled.

"Seconding that," Severus raised his glass.

"Did you feel his magic?" Narcissa questioned after they had drank.

"There was just so much of it." Sirius shook his head.

"I would have not believed it if I had not felt it myself, he had power; beyond that." Lucius stated.

"It is just what he does with it is what matters, someone like that on the apposing side would be crippling." Narcissa pointed out.

"Overall, it is lucky he had an agreement with the Dark Lord early on. I can only imagine what he can do with it. I have never seen someone so young control their magic like Harrison." Severus said and then his brow rose, "I cannot believe he has an agreement with the Dark Lord."

"I didn't even know he could negotiate." Lucius scoffed.

"I wonder what it is." Narcissa put in with a pensive look on her beautiful face.

"It is anyone's guess, but I have no doubt we shall all find out." Remus stated and they all sighed; nothing was going to be simple.

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