
"Yeah, I was doing my research and something kept cropping up, and it royally pissed me off." The rest of the group were too shocked by the exchange to criticise the language. Harrison was eleven and he was speaking to the Dark Lord without a care, not even fully grown adults did that.

"What would that be?" Marvolo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There have been reports, many of them, of rapes." Harry spat the word out like it was dirt; if there was one thing that he could not stand it was rapists, they were the very scum of the earth.

"Ah, yes, some of them got a little drunk on the power. They were punished, but with having such large forces it was hard to keep track of every one of them." The man didn't look to happy about it and Harry nodded.

"Understandable I guess, but I won't stand for such a disgusting act."

"You will do what about it exactly?" There was a slight sneer in his voice and his magic spiked from where it had settled around him once his identity had been confirmed. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"You forget, I may be only 11, but I have a very big advantage over most." He stated with his own voice taking on an icy edge.

"And what would that be?"

From no-where the room was filled with an oppressive force, it was magic, thick, swirling, powerful magic filling the room and caressing everyone in it. Harry's eyes were glowing as his magic swarmed him and he let it settle, it could still be felt, but it wasn't as overwhelming and the Dark Lord smirked.

"I believe I will like working with you after all." Marvolo stated and Harry's lips quirked in to a smirk of his own.

"Of course you will, you will find I am an amazing person." Harry said,

"You still own me an explanation,"

"We are staying at Black Manor over the summer, confirm a date and a location and you will get your explanation. I do warn you though, sitting is advised because it is rather unbelievable." Harry said with a grin.

"I have no doubt," The man rose gracefully, "I will contact you by owl, you will hear of whispers within the ministry by the end of next week at the latest, you will realise if it is me or not." And with that, he swept from the room leaving silence in his wake. Harry looked to the other adults and barely held a snicker, they all looked catatonic with shock.

"Well, I believe myself and Draco should be back in the common room." Harry said lightly and went to leave, he grabbed the blond and got to the portrait hole when the adults snapped back in to the living.

"Oh no you don't, young man, we are having a talk." Sirius said to him and Harry winced.

"You too, Draco," Lucius called, Harry looked to Draco who was shifting uncomfortably.

"Shall we make a break for it?" Harry asked lowly and Draco nodded.

"Don't even think about it, cub, I heard that."

Both boys dropped their heads in dismay, and with deliberate slow movements they went back to the living room, they took a seat on the sofa where they were being indicated and faced 5 very confused adults.

"You both have a lot of explaining to do." Severus drawled.

"Well I can only say so much," Harry warned and they exchanged looks.

"And why is that?"

"He just left the room." Harry stated and they didn't look happy, but nodded.

"You can start with how you contacted the Dark Lord." Lucius said and Harry smirked.

"He has been in the school since September, you could have contacted him too." He told them and took pleasure in the dropping of jaws.


"Yep," He popped the 'p' and leaned back.

"But how?" Narcissa wondered and Remus narrowed his eyes.

"Quirrell, he was possessing Quirrell." Remus said and Harry nodded in confirmation.

"Yes he was, I simply worked out it was him and asked to speak with him." Harry shrugged.

"You asked to speak with the Dark Lord; alone?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

"Yes, how else was I going to negotiate with him?" Harry said bewildered and Sirius looked ill, Lucius and Severus were looking at him as if he had lost his mind and Remus and Narcissa were just shocked.

"Negotiate?" Sirius repeated hoarsely.

"Yes, Philosophers Stone for a say in the running of the Dark Sect.,"

"Did you not think about the possibility of him killing you?" Sirius questioned weakly and Harry shook his head.

"Draco thought about that and Marvolo said the same, but I am confident enough in my abilities to know he could not have killed me."

"He is the Dark Lord, he had never been defeated in a duel." Snape snapped and Harry glared at him.

"I am aware of who he is and his reputation, but he did not have his own body, he was possession someone with considerably weaker magic and I have also never been defeated in a duel. I am fully able to conjure and control Fiendfyre so I know I have something behind me." Harry replied in the same tone and Severus looked a little sheepish before the expression was gone.

"Be that as it may, you put yourself in danger for no reason." Remus said and Harry shook his head.

"There are other factors that I can't yet tell you that go in to it, I didn't merely decided on day that I was going to approach the Dark Lord who had a notorious temper and has been known to wipe out towns with a blast of his wand." Harry said frustrated, "I'm going to make him pay for this." He vowed to himself.

"Ok so you made some sort of agreement with him?" Sirius changed the topic and Harry nodded.


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