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After eating pizza from their favorite spot, Callie headed up to her stream room to set up. As she opened the door she let out a heavy sigh. Well here we go I guess, was all she thought to herself before sitting down in her gaming chair that she loved so much. If someone ever doubted that Cal didn't love streaming she would immediately shoot down that idea and tell you to get it out of your head. Streaming was something she picked up one day and ran with.

She was more than happy that she never stopped running. It bought her pure happiness and she had some of the best supporters on her side. At first her parents didn't understand why someone would want to sit in front of a screen, and play games for hours at a time. But soon after they soon realized just how happy it made their daughter.

Callie was absent mindedly stared at her computer screen. The "go live" button sitting right in front of her face. It was as it the button was staring back at her waiting to be pressed, like it knew how much it took out of the girl to click it. She truly did want to go live and eventually she would, she just had to be even slightly okay before she did. Before doing anything else she decided to tweet.

calliopee: going live soon come say hi:)
twitch.tv/sage_ <3<3

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tommyinnit: Go watch the woman's stream!! Give her all your money!
dream: what he said
tommyinnit: dream i will fight you right now
calliopee: boys boys stop fighting

As soon as Callies tweet went out, in Brighton, Dream and Sapnap's phones sounded. Sapnap simply liked it, knowing that he would watch it. Dream on the other hand decided to reply to Tommys comment. The blonde boy might of been clueless when it came to certain things but when he really tried, he could pick up certain details. Tommy just happened to notice Dream and Sapnap pull out their phones, he also watched as Dream waited for something to reply to.

Celaine also noticed that the two boys had the other girls tweet notifications on. Deciding she was about to make a new friend, she opened up twitter on her phone and began to type out a reply.

ceeyoulater: ayo! green blob and pandascanpvp have yo tweet notifs on girl!!
calliopee: #girlssupportgirls i'll kiss you rn with your consent
ceeyoulater: mwah👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Getting the notifications from Callie's twitter they each tapped and saw what Celaine had said. They both went wide eyed and Sapnap spoke up first.

"Cee, what the fuck was that?"

"I have not a clue what you are speaking of, pandas." The ginger responded, all while butchering a British accent.

"I hate you." Dream added in with a straight face. The pair simply got a tight lipped smile from the girl, and a flip of her hair. 

Being the button pushing sixteen year old he is, Tommy decided to push the tall mans buttons.

"I think Dream's got the hots for Sage!" He shouted across the room. Dream shot a look at the boy, making sure he heard him right.

"Oh come here you little shit." This led to a very scared Tommy being chased by a lanky Dream, who was having way too much fun.

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