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saps :P

hiiiiiii it's 11 am here so it is 6 am
for you. just wanted to check up on you
whenever you see this :)

9:56 am

hello sappy sapp. thank you for checking up! i'm okay, don't have much motivation today but i'm getting there, how are you?

i am good. things are pretty calm
here for now. it's a chill day today,
that's unless tommy decides
to pull some shit.

knowing that little bugger
he probably will.
that's tommy for you tho

very true! also please take care of yourself.
i know how it feels to loose motivation
but don't lose yourself in the process.
we may not be close but i can always help
wherever i can. and so can karl!!

thanks loser i really appreciate it :,)
hey look out for tommy and tubbo for me?
i love those boys to pieces and
don't want anything happening to them.

your wish is my command your highness.
one other thing, Dream won't stop
talking about you.

is that so? interesting, we have only talked
twice, once in a vc and then over discord.

hm weird, i'll let the two children
know you're awake


"Tommy and Tubbs, Sage is awake!" Sapnap called from the other side of the house. Almost immediately getting another text message notification from the group chat of the three boys and Callie. It read from Tommy.

good morning tubbo, and the americans. fun things today, veryyyyyy fun things😏

Everyone else had the same idea. Which was to ignore the text message. Callie didn't see the message until a few minutes later. She was currently laid up, alone on her couch blankly watching her TV. Barely paying attention while wrapped up in blankets. To Cal, this week was going by slower and slower. Feeling unmotivated wasn't anything new to the girl, but this time it felt worse. She didn't have a clue how it could get any worse. It had been a fair few days since she showered. Eating wasn't exactly the first thing on her list. Most shockingly, she hadn't talked to Karl since he called her to tell her about the meet up situation.

Karl noticed her inconsistency and grew worried. To anyone else two days wouldn't be a big deal. But the pair never went more then twenty four hours without talking. The pit in his stomach only grew when Callie didn't pick up her phone. Thinking the worst he got up and ran out to his car to go to Callies. Through the whole car ride, all he wanted was for her to be okay.

Arriving, all lights were out, except the soft glow of the TV. Karl frantically walked up to the door and used his keys to get in.

"Calliope, where are you?" He said softly just incase she was just asleep. Callie heard the soothing voice of her friend and suddenly, she didn't feel so alone.

"Hi fucker." She responded from the couch. As if she hasn't been M.I.A for the last 2 days.

"Cal I've been so worried, are you okay?" Upon asking, he saw the look in her eyes. The look of having no energy to do anything, but wanting to do everything. He's see that look before but this time it was so much worse.

𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘰? | sapnapحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن