You need to visit your father after school, your grandfather and I have already been.

Have a good day, love you <3

He sighed heavily and responded. Putting his phone up, his mind drifted away from his friends' argument.

By the time the final bell rang, Dream's anxiety was through the roof. On the walk home, he hadn't been able to process anything George or Alice said; his mind was echoing with more unfriendly thoughts.

Alice had gone to her friend's house, leaving the two boys in Dream's yard. After stumbling a little, Dream successfully hopped onto the swing with George and watched as a car drove past.

"I need to leave soon, so I don't know if we can do any work tonight." Dream said.

George tilted his head, turning to look at the other boy. "Where are you going?"

Dream bounced back and forth between explaining the situation or not.

"Just to visit someone." He fidgeted with his earring.

George nodded and turned back to the street. "I see."

"You could come with if you'd like."

Dream slapped a hand over where his mouth would've been. He didn't know why he'd said that, considering it would not be a good idea for George to go.

George peered back over. "You sure? I can wait until you get back, I'm not that clingy," He joked.

They sat in silence for a moment, Dream heavily weighing his options. Even though it probably wouldn't end up well with George going, he decided he trusted George enough to take him.

"I'm sure. Let's go, I don't want to be out too late."

After taking the normal route uptown, Dream ducked down a street that was unfamiliar to George. A couple of gas stations were scattered on the way, along with some houses. The street led to a tall building with a small white cross on the front.

After stopping by the gift shop on the first floor, Dream spoke to the receptionist and they were led up the stairs by a nurse.

She stopped in front of a room and knocked before speaking to someone inside. Stepping to the side she left with a small wave.

Dream sat down first, offering the candy bar to a scruffy-looking man attempting to sit up in his bed.

"How're you feeling today Pops?" Dream asked, shuffling around to get comfortable.

"I'm okay. Two other people visited today, it was nice." His father smiled tiredly.

"That was Grandma Wil and Grandpa Mike. your parents."

George could hear the strain in Dream's voice. Confused, he watched as the two continued to speak.

"Right." Dream's father glanced around the room as though he were looking for someone.

"I thought my wife might've been here today, I haven't seen her in so long," He said, his expression dulling.

George glanced at Dream as the other's breathing quickened.

"Pops, she can't visit anymore remember?" Dream gritted his teeth.

"She's...she's gone." Dream choked out, his voice breaking.

George's heart ached at the sound of Dream crumbling in front of him. Unsure of what to do, he held himself back and watched as the scene unfolded.

Dream's father's eyes widened before his mouth turned to a snarl. "That's insane, I want to see my wife!" He bellowed.

George flinched at the volume but forced himself to choke back the horrid memories resurfacing in his mind.

Two Halves (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now