Hangout or date maybe?

Start from the beginning

"I'll just g-go"
As Dream could tell George was really frustrated now

Dream put on a green hoodie with a messy black smiley face on, quickly put on his white smiley mask and hurried outside the room

"Took you long enough"
Sapnap looked at Dream a bit irritated but with a friendly look

"Sorry not sorry. Someone walked in on me changing"
As dream said 'someone' he looked over at George who was fully red now

"Anyway it's getting a bit late take care of my sister, me and George will be going now"
Dream looks over at George who was wearing black trousers, a white shirt with some silver chains and some rings

"Okay have fun you two, don't flirt too much!"
Sapnap laughed

"We just met again after years idiot, it's a bit weird!"
George yelled at sapnap

"I meaaaan"

"Ugh whatever"

Dream laughed as his two friends were having a small argument

"Anyway if anything goes wrong in here or if you need help just call me! And Drista behave."

"Bye Dream and George, have fun! But not too much!"
Sapnap laughed once again just a classic sapnap laugh but enough to make Dream smile again

George rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out on sapnap

As they walked out they could hear Drista yelling at sapnap

"Uhm we'll ignore that and hope sapnap survives the day"

"Agreeeee, your sister sounds deadly, she could've totally kill me with just her voice"
George giggles

"Heh yeah"

"So where are we going today Dreaaaam?"

"I don't know, is there anywhere you want to go?"

"Hmm lets just go check out some stores, and then go eatttt"

"Okay. Let's go look at the Crystal and stone shop, they often have some nice stones and crystals"


Dream and George walk slowly over to the shop

*pling pling*
The bell rings as they walk in

"Hello Dreaaaam! Long time no see huh"
A boy probably in his twenties with brown hair and a green zip up hoodie walked over to greet Dream

"Hey Sam!"

"Who you got there Dream?"
Sam looks over at George

"This is my friend George!"

Hmm so I'm just a casual friend to you Dream
Georges thought as he went silent

"Oh I also got someone you don't know Dream! Ponkie come here!"

"Hii! My name is Ponk and I just started working here! I've known Sam for a while though"
His voice was pure happiness and joy with a British accent. A voice you could never forget.

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