"Yeah.. I trust you." She grabs some containers and packs the bags. "Wish her well Alright.."

"I will.. see you later.." I give her a kiss and walk out.

I quickly drive towards Ellen's house. It's always a fear. No matter if she's feeling good or bad.. it's a fear. Did she do something or not?

I park my car and get out slowly. The living lights are on but so is the kitchen lights. I quickly walk in. "Ellen I'm here!"

I walk in the living and don't see her but when I near the kitchen I hear her crying faintly. I walk in the kitchen as fast as I can to see her sitting in the corner of the kitchen.

Her knees are pulled to her chest and she is hunched over them. I sit next to her and rub her back. "Shhhh.." She shocks at the contact of my hand on her back, flinching away from me until she realizes who I am.

"Hey Ellie.. no need to be scared it's Patrick.." I rub her back again and pull her closer. "Shhh what's going on. What are you thinking?"

Ellens POV

I was crying in the kitchen when I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my back. I got so scared I flinched away but when i saw who it was I felt so relieved.

Earlier Chris came to get his stuff, and yet even when Patrick threatened him, he got control.

I'm looking through my phone a bit. Patrick texted me some recipes he thought I'd like and well I did like them. A lot. The last week was hard but I managed to make a few recipes and I can't complain. It's hard to keep down but just the taste makes the fear go.

I'm taking now sleep medicine so I don't stay up and get my mind wandering. I'm not planning on taking them long, just for when I'm better.

My back is turned to the doorway as I read to my phone, I'm thinking of making pasta carbonara. But suddenly I hear the front door and I'm excited. Patrick's here.

I missed him actually. He's here a lot lately but also now I'm getting better he stays home more. I know he has a family and I shouldn't rely on him but just his comfort makes everything so much better.

I smile and walk to the hallway, only to see its Chris. My smile fades so fast and now I'm filled with fear. Fear of all the control he used to have and what he'll pull next.

"Relax Ellen I'm just here for my things." He says monotone as he walks up the stairs. Phew. I take a deep breath. I should believe him. But I can't.

I wait in the hallway and stare at the stairs. A bit later he returns and he looks straight at me. "Goh.. You look awful." Hé looks at me with disgust, almost like he's going to puke.

I try to remind myself I'm the boss. I have strength to come up for myself. I own my shit. But just as I was going to speak he starts again. "Not that I care, I have already someone way better who does look skinny and beautiful. Someone who isn't afraid of a little hunger. Who will take my dick in my mouth without gagging. You are disgusting and I'm so glad." He says with a massive grin.

Words come at me hard and I try to tell him to shut up but I can't, he notices and doesn't hesitate to continue. "Oh you thought I actually wanted you? You thought I loved you.. Oh dear. Just because you didn't get your mommy doesn't mean everyone will love you. You are so disgusting anyway. You think because you have the money that you are actually worth it?" He laughs and cups my cheeks. I look directly in his eyes but the tears start to come.

"Oh and the other girl, does know how to handle a boss. And thinking Patrick will be there for you when you are fat and ugly makes me wanna feel more bad for you. He's not even here, see. You are ugly and the only reason why he wanted to protect you is to get laid. When you are a bitch baby and play hard to get, of course he'll leave you too." He lets go of my chin. I look down at my hands. My breathe starts to quicken and I try not to let it go to my mind.

I know it's wrong. I know he's not right- He is right Ellen. Patrick isn't here and all because you started eating. You don't want to be skinny. It was all for attention wasn't it? Everyone loved you and was there at your lowest.

"Seriously Ellen what do you think when you eat more? You are so stupid and naive.." A car stops in front  of the house. "That's my ride, anyway thanks for all this stupid shit you bought me." He says with a huge smile as he walks out.

As the door shuts, my tears start to flow faster. My throat tightens and I don't know what to do. I rush to the kitchen and pace around it while clutching my chest. Burn your food.

I slide down the kitchen cabinet and clutch my legs to my chest. Slice your wrist.

I lean on Patrick as I cry more. He's actually here. I turn to his side and hold his T-shirt tight while he wraps his arms around me. I can't hear what he says but he's muttering things to me as I calm down.

Patricks POV

I feel her turn and grab my shirt. I rock us a bit while encouraging her it's okay. She looks so small but yet so beautiful. After she's calm she stays holding onto me. I rub from her back to her head.

I slowly feel her falling asleep so I pick her slowly up. She already gained and I'm so proud of her, the kitchen also is filled with food and I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat.

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