Maxi - Girlfriend (Pt 2)

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Your Pov:

It had been a whole month since I last spoke to Maxi. Everything had stopped between us. The laughs. The flirting. The boys teasing us. Everything. We were still put together every now and then but that didn't stop us from not talking. I didn't want to talk to him. Our friendship was over. And as for his girlfriend. Well. He was still being pulled along by her and yes she was still being a bitch to me.

I was in the Tower waiting for Maxi as we were going down North. Together. Just us two. Maxi walked in and gave me the look to meet him down at the Rhino. That's how we communicated. We did looks. I grabbed my radio attaching it to my bag that was around my waist. "Good luck y/n." Harrison smirked. And yes before you ask. Harrison wasn't talking to Maxi either. I thought they were still friends but no. Maxi walked into the Tower a day after the argument and began to talk to Harrison like nothing had happened. Well Harrison was angry with him and had a rant at him and walked out. So that had brought me and Harrison closer together.

When we arrived at South end, we sat there in silence. Maxi was messing with the radio and I was looking at the rocks. Every now and then Maxi would speak into the radio and so would I but that was it.

*Tower to North Bondi - Come in*

*We read ya*

*Maxis Girlfriend is here. Want us to send her down to ya?*

*Yeah send her down*

Maxi thought he had spotted two people out the back of the rocks and so we went in.

We both got the boards and ran out to rescue the two people. Maxi went out to the girl who was out the back. Maxi came paddling past me. "We can go back I thought I saw two people but I didn't." He caught a wave and I waited for a few seconds when an idea came to my head. I spotted a big wave in the distance. Perfect. I would wait until it was close enough until I would jump onto it. I looked towards the beach to see Harrison turn up. Maxi was approaching the shore. I smiled to myself knowing this would all be over soon, the awkward silence, the insults and me. I would be gone. And anyways he would be better off. They would be better off.

Maxis Pov:

As I approached the shore line I saw Harrison and my girlfriend. I was slightly confused when Harrison pull off his shirt an run towards me with a board. "NO!" He screamed. I got off my board along with the girl and she walked off. I turn back around to see y/n. She smiled at us. "NO! Y/N PLEASE!" I screamed at her not to. Harrison ran into the water as soon as she jumped. I ran to the Rhino grabbing a radio.

*North to Bondi Central we need the defibrillator brought down here and an ambo*

*Who is it*

*It's y/n*

I didn't wait for a response. Instead I walked to the back of rhino pulling out towels. "Maxi what the heck's going on?!" My girlfriend shouted. "Y/n. She's what's going on, I would go." I tell her. "Tell me if she's ok." I nod my head and she walks off. I ran towards the sand banks to see Harrison already doing cpr. Dam it y/n!

I ran towards them both, helping Harrison carry her. The boys came down in the Rhino. They ran towards us as we placed y/n down onto the sand. You could see the worry in their eyes, they pass me an oxygen mask and we place it over y/n face. I touch her hand. "She's freezing!" I exclaim. Harrison looked up at me, "Well what the hell did you expect Maxi?! For her to be as warm as an oven?" He snaps sarcastically. We placed the towels over her and Harris runs over to me with the defibrillator, "Thanks Mate." Harris sat down with us, "I think your gonna have to boys."

Harrison's Pov:

We placed the defibrillator pads on her and the voice started. The voice that all the lifeguards hated but knew that it might save yet another life. I saw the look in Maxis eye but to be honest I wasn't bothered. He didn't care about her at the start so why should he care now? "Shocking. Don't touch." The voice spoke. This was the second time we had tried. "God sakes! Come on y/n!" Maxi screamed. "The ambos here boys." Harris called from behind us. We ended up taking her to the Tower and she was rushed to the hospital.

It was now the evening. We hadn't heard a single thing from the hospital which worried us even more. We were taking down the flags. None of the lifeguards spoke about this morning. We couldn't. We barely talked about anything. I was packing away with Maxi. He was looking out across North as he leaned against a flag. I laughed at him walking over to him. He glared at me. "Oi don't look at me like that! You didn't care about her before so why care now?" I exclaim. We walked back to the Rhino before he answered me, "I always cared about her and always will." I eye roll, "How come you didn't believe her then?" I ask. He went quiet and looked away from me. "Mhm."

We walked into the Tower and all the lifeguards were standing around or sitting down. Bruce walked up the stairs a few minutes after Maxi and I walked in. He coughed grabbing everyone's attention. "I have gotten word off of the hospital. Y/n is ok. She's breathing but hasn't woke up." The boys all sighed in relief. "She has a few bruises here and there from the impact of the wave. If any of you want to talk to me. You know where I am." I glared at Maxi anger flooding me. "And if y/n is in a coma. I'm sure she'd want us all to get along." He looked at Maxi and I. "You may go. Maxi, Harrison I want a word."

Hoppos Pov:

I knew Harrison was hurting. We all were. Even maxi. "You boys need to get along." I tell them. "Well we didn't before and y/n was perfectly fine with it." Harrison mumbled. "That's not the point Mr Reid." I snap sharply. "When she wakes up she will want you to get along." Harrison laughed, "And what do you know?" I sighed rubbing my temples, "Y/n didn't want you two to know but she came and spoke to me the other day." I explained, "And well. All she wants is you two to get along. And maxi your girlfriend - isn't helping. She's belittling her." The look on Harrison's face. "Still?!" He ran over to Maxi about to throw a punch but luckily I got inbetween them both. "Stop It!" I shout standing in the middle of them both. "She said if anything were to happen. Make sure that Harrison and Maxi get along." I moved out of the way of both them and pointed to the door, "You may go."

Your Pov:

Bright, bright lights. Ugh. "Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke. "Is she awake Harrison?" And another familiar voice. My eyes opened slightly and I looked to my right to see the two boys I had grown to love. I smiled. "Hi." I whisper. "Hi." They say back. "How are you feeling?" Harrison asked me. "Oh you know I could be better." I smiled weakly. "Why didn't you tell us?" Maxi asked me. What? "Tell us that you weren't ok." I laugh slightly, "Because you didn't care when I was alive so why would you care if I wasn't."

Maxis Girlfriend then burst through the door. Maxi instantly sighed, "What did I tell you?" He exclaimed walking over to her. She looked like she had been crying. "I never said anything to her Maxi." She cried. She looked over at me. "Right y/n?" I don't look at her and instead turn my face to Harrison. "Go." Maxi growled in a low voice. She screeched at us all and then left. I couldn't help but laugh. Maxi walked over to me and stood beside me with a smile plastered all over his face. "Kiss, kiss, kiss." Harrison started to chant in a whisper and that's exactly what we did. We both pulled away smiling, "I love you Maxi. I always have and I always will." Harrison who was also beside me was pretending to sob, "How beautiful..." He sighed in a dreamy tone. "I love you too y/n. I never stopped loving you even when I was with sophia. I will never stop loving you." And that. Was the start of a new chapter...

I really enjoyed writing this so thank you for the request! Requests are still open, I have no idea how long for though 😅

Nicole 💕

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