8 - good afternoon, sleepyhead

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"Dad, really? Making the plant hold up your phone?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his monotone expression and voice.

"Are my children really judging me?"

"Yes." "Yeah."

Dad made the plant flick B/N's forehead. "You have the same quirk as me. You have no place to judge."

B/N ignored him. "You."

"What about me?"

"Why were you photographed next to Hawks?" 

"Probably because we're both heroes? And we live in the same city? And it was bound to happen sooner or later?"

B/N looked at me in an accusing way. It was as if I told him something that he didn't want to hear at all. "I don't like him."

"You don't like any of the top ranked heroes," dad corrected him.

"I like All Might and Ryukyu," B/N said in a matter-of-fact voice. "All the other ones are too flashy and only care about ranking their ranking. They don't really care about being a hero."

I tried to stifle my laughter. "You sound so much like Aizawa, B/N. Don't know if that's something I should be worried about or not."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Are you taking care of yourself? Have you gotten hurt? You know you can always quit, right?"

"I am, all heroes get hurt every once in awhile, and I know, but I won't," I said all in one breath, answering each of his questions.

"Dad! You're burning the food!"

And on cue, the automatic fan on the oven turned on and saw dad move to the stove in a hurry. Dad and B/N began 'arguing' with B/N saying that he'll order pizza while dad telling him to not even dare. I just got flashbacks to all the times dad would get distracted while cooking which results in dinner being ruined; and mom saving the day by bringing us fast food. Dad and B/N kept on going back, forgetting that I was still on FT. Finally, dad apologised for the commotion and B/N ordering pizza in background. We ended up talking for a few more minutes and finally ended the FT call when my doorbell rang. I tip toed a bit and look through the peephole and saw that it was a food deliver man.

"Hello! I am here to deliver your food!" The man said happily. His head was golden retriever and I couldn't help but stare at him.

Oh my god. He is adorable!

"I have an order for Y/N? Are you Y/N?!"

I smiled big, loving his enthusiasm so much. "I am."

"Yay! Okay! Here, here," he handed me four bags of food.

I said while looking at the bags confusingly, "but I didn't place an order. There must a mistake."

He shook his head vigorously. "Nope. No mistake! A very nice man ordered and paid for the food for a very nice Y/N and told me to deliver the food and note to Y/N!"

"Note?" I looked around the bags, but I couldn't find the note.

"Ah! Yes! Your note!" He lifted his hat and right under it was a folded note. "I forgot that I placed it there for safekeeping. Here is your note!" He blinked a few times before saying, "I don't think you can get the note."

This is the cutest interaction I've ever had with a delivery person. "You can just place inside one of the bags."

He did just that. With one final salute, he said goodbye and ran down the hall the down the stairs. I closed the door behind me with my leg and went to the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter. I took all the food containers out of the bags before reading the letter.

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