Before Pema could reply, another figure entered the hallway. It was Jinora, dressed in her red and yellow flight suit, carrying a small pack on her back. She smiled warmly at them, and Korra hurried over to hug her as well. "Hey! I heard you come in late last night, but we were already in bed."

"Don't worry. It's been so long since I've seen you!" They embraced happily before Korra stood aside and allowed Asami her turn.

"I'm so glad you'll be going with us," Asami said, smiling at the young, tattooed alpha.

"Me too. When I heard what happened..." Jinora's voice trailed off and her face fell. "I agree with you both. This is a serious problem that needs fixing yesterday."

Asami nodded in approval. "Then let's go. Mako and Bolin are meeting us at the train station."

"No blimp this time?" Jinora teased.

"The train is actually faster, in this case," Asami said. "It goes through the mountains rather than around."

"Of course it's fast," Korra said, with no small amount of pride. "Future Industries built it."

Asami rewarded her with a smile. "Our family does have an appreciation for speed, huh?"

With one last wave to Pema, the three of them departed together, stepping out into the pale dawn light. Early morning mist still surrounded the island, and dew clung to the grass and their shoes as they shuffled along to the ferry.

"Is it true that Kuvira's behind this?" Jinora asked once they were well away from the house.

Korra felt Asami's eyes shift toward her, burning with intensity. "We don't have solid proof." Asami's stare became even hotter at that pronouncement. "But it's a possibility we can't discount. Kuvira has hurt people before."

"You don't think she's behind it, though," Jinora said, reading between the lines.

"Korra and I have a difference of opinion about that," Asami said, in the neutral tone she used when she was very displeased about something. "We'll find out the truth, whatever it is."

"Exactly. If it was Kuvira, she won't get away with it."

That seemed to satisfy Jinora's curiosity. They continued on to the ferry in silence, each with their own thoughts. Korra's, as usual, were restless. What if I'm right, though? What if it's someone else, but Asami doesn't want to hear it?

She pushed those thoughts aside. Asami was the smartest person she knew. No matter where the evidence led, she had to believe her mate would follow without being blinded by anger.



Korra barely had time to brace herself before a large, strong body crashed into hers, picking her up in a bone-crushing hug. She laughed, throwing her arms around Bolin in return. He was the largest, strongest omega she'd ever met, and that strength showed as he squeezed her.

"Hey, let go of me! You're gonna crack my ribs."

"Sorry." Bolin laughed and put her down. "I've just missed you so much!"

He beamed at her for a second, eyes sparkling, before rounding on Asami and giving her the same treatment. Korra heard the loud whoosh of breath Bolin forced out of her, but looked away when Mako, who stood a few paces behind, came forward to give her a much calmer hug.

"Korra," he said, patting her back. "Bolin's right. We've missed you."

"It's only been a week since we last saw you."

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