Chapter 6

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Korra jolted upright, the covers falling from her chest. Her heart hammered and cold sweat broke on the back of her neck. She scanned the dark bedroom, but saw nothing out of place. The pale moonlight streaming through the window cast only familiar shadows.

Beside her, Asami stirred. "Korra? What is it?"

"Don't know yet." Korra strained to hear, but nothing drew her attention. Only the whisper of the breeze outside.

"Are you sure?" Asami twisted the covers in her hands. "I could've sworn I heard something."

Korra listened again. This time, she heard more: the click of a doorknob turning. A smile spread across her face. "Someone's tiptoeing around the hallway. Probably looking for a midnight snack. Did you know Yasu was tall enough to reach the doorknob?"

Asami yawned, sliding back beneath the covers and nuzzling into her pillow. "Mm. She's getting so big. Not too big for Mom to put back in bed, though."

"Yeah, yeah. I get the hint." Korra climbed over Asami, dropped a kiss on her forehead, then searched the floor for her discarded nightshirt. During the heat of the moment, she and Asami hadn't bothered to put their clothes in the hamper before bed.

Once she was covered, Korra checked on Hiroshi. He slept peacefully in his crib, undisturbed by his sister's midnight adventure. She stroked the silky tuft of black hair atop his head, then left the bedroom in search of her daughter.

It was even darker in the hallway. As Korra expected, Yasuko's door was part-way open. She tip-toed over to the room, poking her head inside. Her chest constricted. The bed was empty, covers and blankets flung aside. Two large figures loomed over it, dressed entirely in black.

Both figures whirled, and Korra saw that they wore masks. One of the intruders thrust his arm toward her, and a metal band uncoiled from his wrist, forming a wicked point and flying straight toward her face.

Korra sent the sharpened metal thudding into the wall with a sweep of her hand. She rushed the intruders, only one thought pounding in her head: Yasuko! Where's Yasuko?

The metalbender who'd attacked first took a defensive stance, but barely had time to brace himself before Korra sent him hurtling into Yasuko's dresser with a blast of air. He grunted, struggling beneath the overturned dresser, but Korra ignored him. The other intruder attacked, forcing her back with a brilliant spout of fire.

Korra ducked. Heat washed overhead, but she protected herself with another gust of air. The firebender's eyes widened behind his mask. He shot more spurts of flame at her, but Korra dodged them all, closing in to seize him by the throat. She thrust her face in his, lips pulled into a furious snarl.

"You have three seconds to tell me where my daughter is. One, two..."

While the terrified firebender flailed in her grip, the metalbender managed to squeeze out from beneath the dresser. More metal blades whipped toward her, and Korra threw the firebender aside, deflecting them with a series of rapid arm movements. Some clattered to the floor. Others flew back toward the metalbender, pinning him to the wall by his shirt.

The firebender tried to crawl away, but Korra stomped her foot down on his spine, trapping him against the floor. Her clenched fists shook with rage, and her heart pounded frantically in her ears. "I'll ask one more time. Where is my daughter?" She looked from one intruder to the other, but neither answered. Too terrified, or too stubborn.

Before Korra could beat the truth out of them, another loud crash sounded from the adjoining room. Ignoring the hall completely, Korra barreled for the door that led from Yasuko's room to theirs. She burst into the master bedroom to see three more figures in black, surrounding Hiroshi's crib...

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