Chapter 5

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Asami dragged through the front door, arms hanging like dead weight at her sides. Her day had been grueling, in no small part due to heavy thoughts. Despite reviewing a mountain of finance reports and paying a visit to one of Future Industries' premier labs, she hadn't managed to distract herself from thoughts of Kuvira—or of Korra, her mate, visiting the person who had killed her father, along with many others.

Attempts to reason with herself were even less effective than distractions. Korra has to do this. It's part of her job as the Avatar. She wouldn't have gone if she didn't think it was important... But a steady stream of logic had little impact on Asami's emotions. Those were painfully raw, and she couldn't even put proper names to all of them.

She hardly had time to gather herself before she heard the sound of footsteps: the light, rapid patter of Yasuko's tiny feet, followed by Korra's slower thump. She met them at the bottom of the stairs, and a genuine smile spread across her face for the first time that day. Despite her worries and misgivings, she was relieved to see her family.


"Come here, Yasu." She crouched, and daughter flew into her embrace, flinging both arms around her neck and squealing with happiness. "Were you good for Pema and Tenzin?"


"I don't know about 'good'," Korra chuckled, "but she was acceptable. Also dirty. Very dirty." She shifted a very sleepy Hiroshi against her shoulder and waggled her brows at Yasuko to let the pup know she was only teasing.

Yasuko giggled. "Mommy's joking. I was good!"

"I believe you, sweetheart," Asami said, covering her daughter's face in noisy kisses.

Yasuko squirmed and let go of Asami's neck, scrambling back onto the floor and darting behind Korra's legs. "Mommy says I can sleep over with Rohan if I'm good."

Asami straightened, raising her eyebrows and offering Korra a look. Korra averted her eyes, appearing almost sheepish. "I was going to discuss it with you after dinner."

"Really?" Asami said. "It sounds important."

"Important, but not urgent."

Realizing that was probably all she would get until after the pups were fed and put to bed, Asami stepped closer. She kissed Hiroshi's head, then placed a gentle kiss on Korra's mouth as well. Korra gave a soft growl, swiping her tongue against Asami's lower lip, and slid a free hand down to grab her rear.

Oh? Is that really what you're in the mood for?

To Asami's surprise, she felt herself responding. She'd assumed she would be too tired and grouchy after her bad day, and the inevitable conversation she and Korra still needed to have, but familiar heat blossomed low in her belly. She ducked to plant another kiss against Korra's neck before withdrawing.

Maybe I could use a little relaxation?

But it would have to wait, because Yasuko tugged excitedly at her skirt, peering up at her with shining green eyes. "Mama, what's for dinner?"

Asami looked at Korra, who shrugged and rested her chin atop Hiroshi's head. He yawned, showing his toothless gums, and grabbed a lock of Korra's hair with his pudgy fist.

"Narook's?" Korra suggested, ignoring his grip. "I don't feel like cooking."

"I didn't think they delivered."

"I can—ow! Easy there, little guy—anyway, I can pick it up with my glider."

"The noodles will be cold by the time you get back," Asami pointed out.

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