Chapter 25 - [ The Last Chapter ]

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Stealing my enemy's heart -
Chapter 25 [ turn on music for good experience ] One final chapter

Darryl's Pov

As we glance at eachother, my heart started beating fast as he glared at me. Having a weird feeling that we met before, george slowly tapped my shoulder as everyone was staring at us.

George : Darryl, lets go find our classroom.

Finn : youre gonna show up like that? Youre covered with coffee-

Nick : acting tough huh- They are just class A morons. Lets beat them up!!

Darryl : AAAAH-- NOO don't do that nick-! You know they are from higher class. We might just cause problems, lets just report it to the office later.

Nick : Dont be a mom darryl

Darryl dreamed about a white roses from a beutiful garden, infront of him theres someone looking at the flower while sitting. Darryl couldn't see clearly but his voice are clear.
" Come out, i already saw you come in as you step in the grass." darryl was holding a tray with food, he looked around as he went closer. Darryl puts down the tray and The person turned his head around and said " Darryl, we finally meet again " tears coming out of his eyes as he felt something was pulling his Pinkie finger,he saw a red thread on it connected to that person.

Darryl suddenly woke up and has tears in his eyes, he had no idea what's happening but his heart started beating fast as tears flowing down of his eyes.

The next day

Time skip - 4 pm

George, nick and finn already went home, but Darryl went to the library to spend his free time. As he was on the way to the library, he met the same person that is from the higher class. Darryl's heart suddenly beating fast as he walked pass him.

Darryl : Uhh- have we met before-?

Zak turned his head as he took off his earphones

Zak : uh- what do you want?

Darryl : oh, nothing..i was mistaken

Darryl started to dream about the same person and seeing a beautiful scenery but waking up with a tears in his eyes.

Zak already knew that he was reincarnated since he was 15 years old when began dreaming things about his past life and just accept his fate. He let the fate chose his future, he began to date many people to find his soulmate but none of them are successful.

In the first day of school zak and his friends went to the campus. the incident happened, he was looking at george with a smile on his face , seeing him suffer . But as he glance at Darryl his heart started to beat fast .

Zak's pov

My heart suddenly beating fast as we glance at eachother.

" I finally found you "

( if you wanna continue the story, check out the RedRivals Story if you haven't seen it yet )



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