necklace (3)

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day of the class tripy/n pov

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day of the class trip
y/n pov

"this is ms. kanroji. she's a college student and she will help us supervise on this trip. mitsuri, you are in charge of the girls with kanae." mr. rengoku announced as we got of the bus.

"wow! isn't tokyo amazing out here y/n!" nezuko squealed as she shook my arm around. "it sure is!" it was truly beautiful. outside of the hotel. there were a lot more sakura trees compared to what we have at school.

"hey girls!" ms. kanroji stepped over to us with a smile. "our rooms aren't ready yet so you gals can go ahead in groups and look around town. make sure to stay in groups, and stay in this area only." she then walked away to announce to some other students about what was happening.

"cool! lets go get some souvenirs!" nezuko shouted while bringing along aoi and kanao from our class to join us. we then walked around a few shops together.

muichiro's pov
"aren't you gonna buy something?" tanjiro looked at me. i was the only one in my group that didn't seem interested in shopping. "i don't-" i spotted something sparkly coming from a jewelry shop. i walked in without thinking to get a closer look.

it was a beautiful necklace with a sparkly cloud charm on it. 'y/n would like this' i thought to myself. "ooh! that's a pretty necklace." zenitsu walked up to me, staring at the beautiful cloud charm. "i'll buy it." i told the lady working at the register without hesitation. "i didn't know you liked necklaces, muichiro!" tanjiro ran up to me. "i don't. this is for y/n" i told him.

zenitsu, tanjiro, and inosukes faces went blank. "wait do you have a crush on y/n!" zenitsu shouted jumping up and down. i didn't understand what a crush was, and just tilted my head. inosuke started laughing. "you look stupid!" he couldn't contain his laughter.

"what's a crush?" i asked tanjiro. "a crush is when you feel romantic feelings towards someone, or when you love them so much that you want to spend more time with them." he smiled at me. that got me thinking. do i have a crush on y/n? "wouldn't it be impossible for me to have a crush on someone i never met?" i asked him. "well, it could be love at first sight!"

"how do you feel about y/n?" he asked me. "i..don't know.."
"that's alright! you'll figure out how you feel whenever it comes to you!"
it started getting late, and so we walked back to the hotel.

as we arrived, we saw nezuko and her group. i ran up to y/n with a slightly cheerful smile. for some reason i was excited to see her. i pulled out the box with her necklace in it. "i got you something. close your eyes." she opened her mouth to say something, but instead closed her eyes. i fastened the necklace onto her and told her to open her eyes.

her eyes lit up again. i loved her expression. " beautiful!" she gasped and then pulled me into a hug.

"thanks mui-kun!"
mui-kun. a nickname.

543 words

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