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3rd POV

"what?" Lydia exclaimed

Stiles sighed "WICKED is World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department they were the creators of the maze "

"Not that"Issac said

"They made us think that they were leading us to our new home or a safe world"  stiles responded

"Stiles....." Lydia looked at stiles " I'm sorry that you went through all of that" she said hugging him

He just smiled at her and she returned the smile

"Well, now that stiles had explained what was WICKED and all of that, Minho was captured right?" Crystal said looking at stiles

He glared at her "yes why do you ask if you already know?" Stiles said anoyed

"Just checking" she said and then she put the video on the glass

You could clearly see the train and stiles knew exactly what was going to happened

"Shit" stiles said

The pack looked at him confused

"What?"  Stiles replied and shrugged , they looked back at the glass and the video stared

It shows a high speed car in the desert and then stopping in a hill it shows Jorge checking his pocket watch " their late" he  says and then Brenda also checking his watch

Stiles smiles when he saw Brenda and Jorge's faces

"Who are they?" Scott asked

"Brenda and Jorge" stiles replied And Scott nodded

The camara shows the car and then to Jorge and Brenda looking at something while hearing a train coming they smirk, Brenda loades her gun and they start the car

they put themselves besides the train in speed and then it shows Minho and some other people inside the train chained up, Minho heard the car

The pack gasps as they saw the people with chains inside the train

"Oh my god" Malia said

Lydia and Scott looked at stiles that had his head down and then looked back to the screen

It shows Brenda and Jorge again and Jorge going on higher speed to get to the first side of the train

Two of the persons that were driving the train saw Jorge car, then it shows a little far away another vehicle the angle of the camara gets closer to the car and then inside of the car it shows Thomas

" brenda coming up behind keep them busy!"

Everyone looked at stiles

"Why are you looking at me?" he replied

"What were you trying to do?" Derek asked

"We were trying to rescue Minho..... the guy inside train " he replied

"And what did you meant by keep them busy?" Jackson said

Stiles didn't respond and just turned back to the screen

The pack was worried and a little sacred because they never saw this side of stiles before or kinda 

It shows Brenda getting up with the gun and pointing at the driver and then she shoots And the drivers hide from the window

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