The Choice

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Request by: Nobody Again (I feel pretty lonely here)

But it's a little surprise gift for the artist Silvermun on Tumblr and this is her art.

Live isn't easy to anyone even for the great hero of Mobius and Earth, the blue hedgehog wasn't having a great day, so to forgot his awful time he read some books where he drowns in his fantasy books and lets his imagination take him very away from the sweet reality, where he can be freer than he is in his world.

One of his favorite book were the fantasy type and specially the knights books, it remind him of his friends of Camelot kingdom and specially with someone that his heart wrong with someone else than himself is afraid to admit it, each of those book end with the knight saving the princess and lived happily ever after something that will never happen here in his real world.

Could all the Fantasy book finish with a happy ending ? Wonder the blue boy, not for everyone and not for him either, after Shadow rejected his confession and cut all contact with him, Sonic's feeling were pretty hurt but that didn't stop him for loving him, he still believes that have a chance even after the rejection, it just questions of time.

If not at least there will be someone who will and he know exactly where to find him, but before that he decide to try one last time, running to the hill as the wind caress his Quills the feeling of freedom let him run more faster meeting with his friends.

He arrive to a beautiful glade where his friends were waiting for him for the picnic, everything went great until a certain doctor show up with his robots, now the real fun begin thought the blue hero, it took them just few minutes to destroy them all but Eggman wasn't gonna stop here, in fact he bring one of his biggest robots.

Cocky as he is, he attack the robot with his spine dash but get quickly stop by the Robot and smash him down, as the robot was going to smash him again, the dark hedgehog save him and use his choas spears finish it off.

The battle continued for quite a hour until all his robots destroyed the Dr. left the battlefield living everyone back to their peace and quite live, as everyone left Shadow and Sonic were now alone and before he teleport he grab Sonic's shoulder and take him with him to same place where The blue blur confess to him, Sonic was completely confused.

Sonic: " why are we here? Why did you take me here ?"

Shadow: " we need to talk *cold tone*"

Sonic: " okaaay !, why are in a bad mood, I mean you always like that it's not really new but today look more-"

Shadow: " SHUT UP *growl*

Sonic: " Yo shad chill, what's wrong buddy ?"

Shadow: " *start growling* first don't call me Shad, secondly I'm not your buddy and finally stop whatever you trying to do it"

Sonic: " what are you talking about ? I don't get it ?"

Shadow: " Even after I didn't accept your confession or whatever stupid thing you call it, you still around me you still act ridiculously, I want you to stop all your stupid circus and leave me alone"

Sonic: " well not really my fault if I worry for everyone, and yeah you maybe reject me but I can't really forget about it just like that even if I try I really can't Shadow, I still have this feeling toward you and I still believe that we can make out, I just give yourself a try, what you got to lose?"

Shadow: " let's see, my pride, my reputation, MY PATIENCE!!, don't even think about it faker, I'm a Ultimate Live From, I don't need affection neither love and specially it come from you * growl*"

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