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It was 7th day of the camp. They trained a lot and it was game day again. They played against team they never even have seen in the hotel.
"We are playing against who..?" Tubbo asked whole team while they were making tactics for the game.
"I have never seen that guys, i just only know that they have yellow jerseys" Sapnap raised his eyebrown.

"I don't really care who are they or how they look or play, we are going for the win" Technoblade slamed dask with his hand looking at his team mates.
"Techno is right, just play as best as you can and if we loose it's not important" Wilbur said.
Now everyone had 15 minutes to get ready so they all got in their room.

"Are you feeling alright George, no pain?" Dream was playing with George's hair.
"I'm alright, you really don't have to worry so much" George got closer to Dream and they fall into a kiss.

First quarter of the game ended. The other team was really good. With best five on Wilbur's team their chances of winning were very low.

"They are fast god damn" Quackity was literally dying of tiredness.
"Tommy please switch with Quackity" Wilbur was taking control of situation.
"I have to rest a little too" Sapnap was fouled really bad not a little while ago.
Tubbo switched with Sapnap.

They played another half and were loosing 56-40.
"It's not that bad we can get them" Bad was trying to cheer up his friends.
Now on the court were Quackity, Sapnap, Skeppy, Bad and George.

Five minutes in the second half Quackity was on the floor. The guy from the opposite team feel on his arm while catching the ball. He was screaming of the pain he felt. Two guys who were there in case someone get's hurt, took Quackity to the hospital.

Last quarter was in front of them and one of his players was in the hospital.
"It's 78-65, maybe still there is a chance" Wilbur was optimistic about that.
"After game everybody have 10 minutes to shower and we are going to hospital" Sapnap was really worried about Quackity.

Game finished with result of 90-81. They were close but didn't care because it was friend game, it's not for the league, but they have found their weaknesses so they will work about that things.
"I just hope Quackity is better" George was scared for his friend like everyone in the team.
"He is strong man, he is going to be okay" Dream tried to comfort George but he know that Quackity is in bad situation.

At the hospital Quackity was sitting on bed with broken arm. While waiting for his friends he called Karl.
"Hi Karl"
"Hi Quackity, waitt, aren't you supposed to be playing right now?"
Quackity turned his camera on.

"Well you can't play with broken arm" he tried to joke about it but he was sad, he knew he can't play basketball for a 10 weeks.
Karl started crying, he knew how much Quackity was in love with basketball.
"I am so sorry..."
"Karl don't cry, it will heal and i will play again" Quackity tried to put on a smile, but he couldn't.

Team picked him up. They were all feeling bad for him.
"Guys I'm so sorry for not being able to play for the league" Quackity was feeling like a disappointment.
"It's not your fault" few from the team said at the same time.

Last day. They wanted to spend this day as best as they could.
"Dreammmm" George was trying to get his attention while Dream was playing minecraft on his phone.
"Wait one more minute babe, i will dieeee here" Dream was still playing.

"It's our last day here and you are playing minecraft on your phone, let's do something fun" George was annoyed.
Dream turned off his phone and looked at his boyfriend, he pushed him to lay on bed and hold his hands.
"Dream! I hate you!"
"Georgieee i know you are lying" Dream got so close to his face.
"You know me too well" George said that and went for a kiss.

They were feeling amazing. They just wanted to be with each other 24/7.
"Am i interrupting something?" Sapnap was holding his phone recording the kiss.
"Do you two fucking breathe?" Tommy asked with confusion in his voice.
"Tommy no more swear words!" Bad yelled at Tommy for swearing.

Dream and George didn't care so much for their friends standing there. They were cuddling and didn't wanted to do anything else.
"We will wait for you guys at the restaurant, it's 15 minutes from here, i will send you address" Wilbur wanted to give them some time together "Come there in 2 hours".

"Thank you Wilbur" both said looking at each others eyes slowly getting into another kiss.
"And lock the door!" Tubbo had to remind them.

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