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TW/forced kissing

Whole team was waiting for them.

After breakfast, they had 2 hours for relaxing before practice. George was watching YouTube when suddenly he felt someone next to him.

"George i am boreddd talk to meeee" Dream said with his face in George's bed.
George turnd off his phone and started to touch Dreams hair.

"You have fluffy hair Dream" he smiled.
"George i will beat your ass don't touch my hair!" while in reality Dream wanted that.

After one and a half hours they decided to get ready for practice.

Dream was sitting ready on his bed, when George started walking from bathroom. "George is so perfect, i have to tell him how i feel soon.." Dream thought.

Wilbur knocked on their door.
"You guys ready?"
"Yeah let's go" said both Dream and George at the same time.

As they were walking through hallway, they saw that team again too.
"Hello, sorry for not introducing us earlier, we are team Richard" said one of the boys.
(in their league teams are called with names of the captain of the team)
"Team Wilbur, nice to see you guys again but we are in hurry now, see you later"

While passing by team Richard, George saw that guy looking at him again. He stopped George.
"Hi, I'm Aaron" said tall boy.
"Oh hi, i am George nice too meet you" George smiled even tho he was little uncomfortable.
"Meet me at hotel reception after your practice, i will wait for you" Aaron said that while walking away.

Bad heard their conversation.
"I don't like that guy" Bad said with disgusting look.
"I don't know what to think Bad.."

At the court they started with intense running, George couldn't get Aaron from his mind.

"Good job guys" Sapnap was clapping to whole team after 2 hour practice.
"Everyone go shower, we are later going to town for a walk" Wilbur said.

Dream was walking with Sapnap to the hotel.
"Sapnap i will tell him everything but I'm not sure how" Dream looked down.
"You are pretty stupid Dream, i will now tell you what to do" Sapnap was proud of himself to be one with the brain.

George was walking all behind them ready to meet with Aaron. Bad told him that was bad idea but he wanted to see what Aaron was up to.

"George over here" someone pulled George behind the hotel.
"Aaron you said we are meeting at the hotel reception, what the fuck man"
"Sorry about that, i just didn't want anyone to see us" Aaron was getting closer to George.
"You are scaring me" George wanted to run but strong arm grabbed him.

Aaron was much bigger, stronger and taller than George.
"You see George, as soon as i saw you yesterday i said that you have to be mine"
"What- leave me alone, i only know your name, don't touch me!" He really tried to run and scream but Aaron pulled him even closer and putted his hand on his mouth.

"George, shorty, stop you are already mine".
He moved his hand and kissed George. George was forced to kiss him. He was feeling helpless. He started crying.

Aaron pulled him a little away.
"Don't cry, you will have more of this and you taste very good"
"Dream, help me.." George whispered.
"Don't you dare tell anyone or you will see, now give me your number" Aaron pulled his phone out his pocket.
George sadly gived it to him.
"Now go, i will text you when i need you"

Meanwhile Dream was worried. He rushed in all the rooms from his team to see where is George. When he was going to Bad's and Skeppy's room he saw George in hallway.

"George where have you been?" Dream said while noticing that he is not alright.
"I forgot my ball on the court" George have to lied to Dream.
"Are you alright George" Dream asked him while unlocking the room door.
"Yeah i am, why wouldn't I be? And i have to go tell Bad something, you go first to shower" George left his things in the room and leaved.

"What is happening with George, I'm worried about him, i love you George i want to protect you with my life... " Dream though.

George knocked on Bad's door.
"GEORGE" Bad was in shock to see George crying.
Skeppy was sitting on the bed, but when George got in the room he jumped to hug him.
"George, what's wrong...."

"I meet with that boy Aaron from Richard's team, he forced me to kiss him and told to tell nobody but i have to tell you guys" George was still crying.
Skeppy didn't know who that boy was but he for sure wanted him dead.
Bad was so angry too, but sad as well.

"George let's tell the rest of the team and deal with that guy" Skeppy was ready to even fight.
"NO!" George screamed. "Please don't tell anyone i am scared he will do something to you guys"

Skeppy and Bad gave up, George really didn't want to tell anyone, he didn't want to tell Dream the most. He thought that Dream will think all bad about him.

When George got in his room, he didn't say anything. He showered and than layed in bed.
"You know you can tell me anything George, whatever you feel, think, did... And I'm never going to be mad at you or disappointed" Dream said with broken voice.
"Thanks Dream but now it's really nothing" George got on his bed and hugged him.

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