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Danny POV:

After me and Vlad were done at the mal and were driving back home where i fell asleep, but i woke up again just before Vlad was about to tap me on the shoulder.

,,Everything ok Daniel" he asked me and i nodded my head i was still pleatty sleepy and slowly undressed my jacket ans shoes one whe steppen inside the house "Daniel why dont you go to your room and sleep a whyle longer i will wake you when its dinner time, ok Little Badger", sugjested Vlad me ,,Yes sound's fine, but i got my one room?" i asked agreeing with his idea ,,Yes little Badger right across my study, and if something is the matter i am eather in that room or the room next to it wich is my room", explained Vlad to me.

I nodded one last time at the older male and then made my way up the stairs and into the room, Vlad disribed to me where it was.

Once i stepped inside the room, a gasp left my mouth and i slowly walked inside my new room everithing was space theme, from the walls to the floor and even my celling, but the most amazing thing was my bed it looked quite fluffy and the perfect s...

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Once i stepped inside the room, a gasp left my mouth and i slowly walked inside my new room everithing was space theme, from the walls to the floor and even my celling, but the most amazing thing was my bed it looked quite fluffy and the perfect size for me with all the pillows on it, quickly i stipped of my pants and shirt befor crawling under the blanckets and falling asleep for the second time today.

Vlad pov.

Danny left me in the hallway after i told him where his room was, the first thing i did was of curse pulling of my jacked and my shoes then, made move to the Servant's rooms to tell then that Daniel would be living here from now on ,,These are greate news master Masters" one of my servants said and the other's agreed some nodding some voicing the aproval.

After that was done i conduced on my way, to my lab since i stil had a meeting with Skulker, to imform him of Daniels new living arangement and of curse to forbid him from hunting the boy.

But we also have another thing to discuss, the legal paperwork to take Daniel away from the Fentons, so i wand for Skulker to find evidence for me to use against them in court.

Danny pov.

After I  woke up i noticed the computer across from me in the room, a wonder that i didn't noticed it before, but back to the wonderfull thing im seeing laying next to the computer, the newes version of Doom.

After plajing the game for about an hour it was starting to get a little frustrating since there is this one other playier who keep's on killing me, whoever it is is pretty anojing, but since he keep on killing me i logged out of the game and decided to have a look around the other room's, i came around some guest-Room, then some single Bathrooms but the best room so far was the music room, in there where instruments like a guitar, a Saxophone, some Xylophones, but the best was the drum set that stood in the far corner of the room, i walked to it after closing the door behind me, there laid some drum stick's.

I took them into my hand, slammed one of them on the drum and out of it came a loud sound, stopping a little, i locked at the door and waited a second but no one came inside, this time i slammed the drum stick a little softer on the drum and got a soft, Bummm, as a response, i also put my foot on the stick on the ground and kicked it down, as response i god a louder sound, sitting down since again no one came i started to play a little bit on it.

soon i was done playing the drum and so again i started to look around the room, there where some books on a shelve, tacking one out of it, it was full of Music notes and the fitting names to the song's writen in notes in these book's but i didn't really understand what these notes meaned so i put the book i pulled out the shelve back to where it stood before.

Author POV:

Danny then walked out the room and locked a little more around the Mansion that was more like a castle, he again came around more guest rooms and bathrooms, after some time of walking Danny noticed a hidden staircase at the end of the hallway, wich he before ignored, nut he was curious now so he decided to his better judgement to walk down these stairs, not knowing what awaits him.

Danny walked down the stairs where he came across a locked door, wanting to know what is behind it, he turned ghost and stepped thought the thick Iron door was a short hallway and a door at the other end, he started to walk towards the door, he was meet with another almost empty room but there where some tables on the side, with some vials on them and sirens in containers, as well as wearide bottles filled with wearide stuff.

On the other side of the tables was again a door between some hing shelves with books in it and notes sticking out the book's he picked one up and just as he was to open it, the room llit up and Danny stood face to face with an angry looking Skulker who just came out the portal on the wall next to the tables, Danny seems to have over seen the portal since it bleended into the wall pretty well.

On the other side of the tables was again a door between some hing shelves with books in it and notes sticking out the book's he picked one up and just as he was to open it, the room llit up and Danny stood face to face with an angry looking Skulk...

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(something like that but with a portal)

Danny slowly looked at Skulker befor turning into his ghost-half to defend himseld as suddenly the door behind him opened and a slightly angry Vlad stood inside thedoor-frame.

,,Skulker leave Daniel alone, he is under my protection now, and Danny go ack upstairs, maybe into your room or do something else, just dont come down here againg, alright", since Vlad looked ready to explode Danny quickly flew aroung Skulker and trought the celling toward's his room.

After Danny was up and into his room, Vlad told Skulker the situation with Daniel and what his parent's did to the poor boy, even Skulker felt a little bad for the boy, but since Vlad asked him to spy on the Fentons and to gather importend material for a Trail against them, he flew of after he knew the situation and Vlad went up to deal with Daniel, who was laying in his bed with a book on astronomy he found in his room.

Author's note.

Now this and the previous chapter are adding up, i hope ou like it.

And what would you like Dannys and Skulkers relationship to be.


2.Nice Uncle

or 3.the nice guy from next door.


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