Chapter 23 (updated)

Start from the beginning

"We agree," Kingston says from beside me. "Once the Russian fuck is dead you'll get your grandbabies."

"Then we better get to it," Leta and my mother clap their hands excitedly. "Chop, chop, people we need a plan to take that Russian fucker down!"



"Has The Russian Fuck tried to contact you?" Dario asks as I sit on his lap going through my voicemails. We were in a meeting with the heads of the five families. They didn't know I was Armando Cruz's daughter and they didn't know I was Shadow they just know I'm their future Queen and have connections in the underworld.

"I'm checking," I reply.

"Why would Ivanov contact a lowly whore?" Mr. Rossi the capo of the Rossi family asks.

Dario makes a move to grab his gun, but I place my hand on his chest to stop him. He gives me a deadly look which I match. When it becomes evident neither he nor I will back down I stab his shoulder with the knife tucked in my bra. While he is tending to his fresh wound I get up and round the desk so that I'm face to face with the piece of shit who called me a whore.

"Kolio Rossi, si?" The man narrows his squinty eyes and nods his greasy, bald head.

"Words, Rossi!" I snap, getting slightly irritated. "Si." (Yes)

"Ora, non è stato così difficile, vero?" I ask rhetorically. (Now, that wasn't so hard, was it)

"Mr. Rossi, why don't you tell this 'lowly whore' and the rest of your capos?" I pause to angle his head up with the dagger I pulled out of my jeans. "Along with your Don, who exactly you've been in contact with these last couple of weeks."

"D-don, I have no idea w-what this p-pathetic whore is t-talking about." Rossi stutters.

"Call my woman a whore one more time and I'll wipe out your entire bloodline starting with that pathetic son of yours," Dario threatens in a deadly tone. Fuck, he is so fucking hot when he is protective.

"Is that the son who raped Lala Hanson last month? Oh and Carla Jennings two months before? And of course, we can't forget about Marla Coney, his first victim. I heard you two raped her together, took turns. That's some sick shit." I list off angrily.

"I-wh-I-wou-ho?" Rossi's at a loss for words.

"I know everything about everyone, Mr. Rossi, you see that's my job." I smile sadistically. "Now answer the damn request before I slick this floor with your blood." He stays silent.

"I must warn you, Mr. Rossi." I pause to drag the cool blade across his cheek, inflicting a large gash deep enough for stitches. Slick, warm, red blood coats my blade and drips aimlessly onto the glass table. "I specialize in blood eagles, but of course if you prefer other methods of torture I can do those as well. Mental, perhaps."

"You crazy, cagna!" Rossi shouts. (bitch)

I turn to the rest of the men and women sitting in the room. All have a mix of shock and awe in their expressions. One thing I love about Dario is he doesn't have a sexist bone in his body. The man respects both women and men unless given a reason not to. His father is the same way. Must be because they have a woman like Gianna as an influence.

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