"Did Yin just wink at you?" Earth asks from next to War, tone a bit skeptical.

"No." War denies. Feeling flushed all of a sudden. 

"No I think he definitely did." Gun objects with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes he definitely did." Off backs his lover.

"He didn't, you're imagining things." War said, pretending to tie his red and gold scarf tighter around his neck to avoid their questioning eyes. "Let's go back to Gryffindor tower."

"Way to dodge that question." Gun huffs before he's suddenly rounding in on War again. "Wait."

"What?" War asks.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That Yin has seen the snitch?"

"It was obvious."

"No it wasn't." Gun insists. "Papi said it could be a feint."

"It could be. But it wasn't" He replied with a shrug.

"And how could you possibly know that?" Off asked curiously. "Yin is a master at feints."

"I just do." War replies walking ahead of his friends.

"Were you watching him that closely?" Earth teases. "You barely paid attention to the game."

War ignored them and continued heading to the direction of the castle. But after a few steps he stopped when someone called out to them.

"Party at the Ravenclaw tower tonight." The Gryffindor captain said with a big smile. "Drinks are on them."

"That's what I like to hear." Earth said with a smile. "We'll be there."


The Ravenclaw tower was already packed when they got there. Gun disappeared with Off the moment they got to the party and Earth vanished somewhere. War was left alone and his first mission was to find the promised drinks.

"Here." Tay says handing him a cup. War downs the drink letting the alcohol burn his throat.

"Firewhiskey." He says looking at the captain. "How'd they manage to get these in here?"

"Ravenclaws, they have their ways." Tay shrugged with a smile.

Tay points him to a table with pints of butterbeer and an inconspicuous crate by the corner.

"What does the headboy have to say about this?"

"Nothing if he pretends he does not see the firewhiskey. Also the party is sanctioned by the professors, they won't be dropping in anytime soon." Arm says with a sly smirk as he passes by.

"Our headboy is truly something." War says as Arm blends to the center of the party.

"Tell me about it." Tay replied, grabbing another drink and turning to leave. "Drink moderately, we have practice tomorrow. Other than that, enjoy your night, I have to find the others to give them the same warning."

"Roger captain." War says with a salute as the Gryffindor captain leaves to find the other members of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Before War realizes it he's had a bit too much to drink and was excusing himself to get some fresh air. He was leaning on the wall while nursing another drink when the star of the night graced him with his presence.

"Enjoying the drinks I see." Yin said, hands holding his own cup.

"I never say no to free drinks." War replied as he faced the Ravenclaw. "Go back to your fans, I'm sure they're missing their beloved seeker."

"Ah but I'd rather not leave my favorite Gryffindor alone tonight."

"I'd rather you leave me alone forever."

"Hmm I don't think you'd like that."

"I'd very much love that."

"Oh and here I thought you didn't take your eyes off of me for the entire game."

"How did you-" War curses the Slytherin captain in his head. "I was waiting for you to fall off your broom."

Yin laughs. "You wound me."

"Good, I hope it hurts."

Clearly they were both inebriated. Their faces flushed, words slurred but they were perfectly aware of the other.

In the darkness, War could almost appreciate Yin's charm. He was handsome, his face a perfect blend of soft and sharp.

"Are you going to stare at me all night?"

War is knocked back to his senses when the other speaks again. "Don't delude yourself."

Scratch that, War was very drunk. Because if he wasn't then why was he moving closer and closer to the Ravenclaw seeker.

"You're always so full of yourself Anan. I'd like to knock you down a peg or two."

"Try your best." Yin challenges. Face inching closer to his and staring directly in his eyes.

"Oh I will." War replies, eyes dropping to his rival's lips that was curled up to a smirk. "I'm going to wipe that smirk out of your face."

"And how will you do that?" Yin teases, eyes looking down to the Gryffindor seeker.

"Your arrogance is off-putting." War replies before inching his face impossibly closer to Yin's.

And before they knew it, their lips met.

It was like War's drunken stupor was broken by the feel of the other man's lips against his. Suddenly he was perfectly aware of how Yin circled his hands around his waist and of his hands finding themselves on Yin's shoulder.

Too caught up on each other and unaware of their surroundings, they failed to realize that a faint glow of golden light surrounded them once their lips touched for the first time.

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