Reaching the edge of the stairs, I see Zach talking to Jonah about something. He stops and looks at me from hearing my foot steps. Zach admires me for a moment as a slowly walk down the stairs.

When I reach the end he says, "You don't look like trash, wow."

"A compliment, so unlike you." I gasp.

"Only tonight." Zach responds before turning around.

Ella soon walks down and Jonah gives her the same gesture. "Let's get this over with then?" Zach says and Jonah nods.

"What's this anyways?" I ask getting in the car.

"A place where a bunch of mafia and gang leaders come together, act like they don't hate each other, drink, and gamble." He responds sitting next to me. "I hate it, there's no point for it and there's too much tension."

"Do you think Vladimir would be here?" I ask.

"No, I'm basically the host because I'm the most powerful mafia in America, but these are only American mafias and gangs." He says sitting back in his seat. Ella turns to face him.

"Why would you host something you hate?" She asks.

"My father did it and said I must carry on the tradition." Ella nods at his response and turns back the other way.

When we arrive, I step out and Zach grabs my hand. We walk into a huge mansion and Zach leads me to a huge ball room. "Wow it's beautiful." I look around and see the huge chandelier, definitely worth a million dollars, hanging from the ceiling. People are scattered everywhere with drinks in their hands, laughing and having a good time. There's a stage in the front of the room with a microphone. Zach leads me over to two men who are talking to each other. One has tattoos everywhere and stands taller than everyone. The other stands as tall as me, with one arm.

"Zach." The tall man says. Zach nods at him and the one-armed man.

"Hello Mike and Terrance." Zach says with a stern look on his face. Mike eyes me up and down and licks his lips.

"What's this beautiful thing you got." He says stepping forward and touching my hair. I slap his hand away and push him back which surprisingly, he falls back a little.

"I'm not a thing. My name is Shay Cuncord. Leader of the Italian mafia. Never touch me again." I say glaring at him. He glares back and I look at the Terrance.

"Lost his arm from a grenade thrown at him." Zach says. Terrance nods and looks at me. I only look at him. "Well boys I'm gonna go talk to Ms. Hans." Zach excuses himself and we link arms before walking away. "God damn Shay that was badass, no one has ever been like that towards him."

I shake my head. "Someone had to, he shouldn't act like that. Women are not just objects." We approach a blonde hair woman. She was much shorter than me at 5'4 in heels. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and she had light makeup on.

Zach! I missed you!" She cheers hugging him. I stand there staring at her. I didn't like her bubbly attitude it annoyed me. I don't understand people who can just be happy all the fucking time. Zach eventually pulls away from the hug and she looks almost sad. He clears his throat before turning to me.

"Shay meet Daeva. Daeva meet Shay." She glares at me and steps back.

"Hey." She says bluntly. I glare at her and Zach breaks the tension.

"Shay is the leader of the Italian mafia." He says looking at her.

"I thought you hated that bitch." She looks me up and down crossing her arms. I squeeze Zach's arm tightly, trying my hardest not to slam this bitch.

"I did. But now we have an alliance for some confidential reasons." His voice is now filled with anger.

"Does she know about us?" She looks at Zach.

"What is there to know about? You're simply an assassin in the weakest gang in America." He responds and I try to hold back my laughter.

"That's not what you said when your dick was-" she says before I interrupt her.

"Okay okay." I put my hand out.

"So she does speak." Daeva smiles. I glare and she gives me a disgusted look.

"I'm not to be messed with. Don't try." I unlink my arm around Zach's shoulder. "This is an alliance we aren't doing shit with each other so I couldn't care less what you and him have. Shut the fuck up because clearly you are nothing than a hit and quit bitch for him. Please don't think so highly of yourself, you're pathetic." I turn around and walk a few steps before turning around and grabbing her fist about to collide with my head. "Bitch what did I say. You're pathetic." I then completely twist her wrist around breaking it. Shoving her back, I walk over, ignoring her screams in pain. "God damn Zach is everyone here gonna be a bitch." I link our arms and he laughs.

"You just can't find yourself to like anyone." He says, making me nod.

"True, but one guy treated me like an object and this bitch is just a bitch." I respond and he nods.

"Zach you're on stage in 5 minutes." A brunette lady says. He nods and I follow him to the stage. We both walk in front of the microphone and wait for everyone to stop talking. They all do, and that's when Zach starts speaking.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to host this. All of America's most badass people in one place." I roll my eyes at his comment and he looks at me. "Including the most badass woman in the entire world." He points to me and I laugh.

"Thank you Zach." I say.

"Shay Cuncord is the leader of the Italian mafia. My mafia's biggest enemy but we're allies for now." He smiles and everyone stares at me. I don't mind it though, it's happened a lot since I've become leader. "Please enjoy your drinks and have fun, because by tomorrow we'll be killing each other in the streets." Everyone laughs at the fucked up but true sentence before returning to talking. The music starts playing again and we step down.

"That was great I guess?" I say laughing.

"I hate making speeches." He responds sitting down.

"You hate a lot of things, I'm not surprised." I roll my eyes. "Let's dance." Making Zach stand up, grabbing my hands. We walk to the dance floor and start slow dancing to the song.

"You do look beautiful Shay." Zach whispers to me.

"I know. You don't look disgusting." I smile patting his back.

"So stubborn aren't you." He smiles at me

"Yes, and I like it that way." I respond.

We laugh but it's quickly stopped when a gun shot is heard.

Mr and Mrs Mafia |Z.D.H|Where stories live. Discover now