"Working on it? Well thank god you're not this slow with your actual job." Opal mumbled under her breath, but still loud enough to receive a groan from Korra and a chuckle from Bolin.

"You know, you guys are both idiots." The green eyed man started with an obvious tone. Opal shared a shocked expression as she pointed to herself. He shook his head and continued. "No not you, Korra and Asami Sato."

"You can just call her Asami, Bo." Korra huffed, going back to eat her fruit salad. 

"Well it's not like she's our girlfriend, she's yours-"

"MY WHAT?!" Korra had to rub her eyes to make sure she heard her friend correctly.

"Alright now, calm down. I'm right though, you're both idiots. You were together for an entire night and made plans and didn't exchange phone numbers? How did either of you even expect that to work?" 

Korra scratched her cheek lightly, letting out an awkward laugh. "Well, we were just so busy talking it kind of felt like we've actually known each other for awhile. So having to exchanging numbers never really crossed my mind, I'm not sure about her though." 

The three carried on with their lunch, throwing casual banters here and there of course. Their break ended off with Opal having to take a few calls with clients so the other two decided they should get back to their personal offices. 

The work day was coming to an end, a few employees had already left the building, this including both of Korra's friends. She stayed back for awhile so she could work out some final tweaks and minor issues for her newest marketing assignment. Her short hair had turned a bit frizzy, the black blazer she wore earlier was thrown on to one of the arm chairs, and papers were scattered about her desk. The woman wasn't stressed, in fact, she was in her element. Korra worked best when she told herself that she was under pressure even when she knew she wasn't. 

Not entirely at least. She just didn't want to fail and have Varrick embarrass her to Asami.


"Hey! I'm really, really sorry to disturb you but do you know where Varrick is right now?" Korra had ran into one of the only offices on her floor that still had an occupant; Mai.

Mai didn't like Korra. At all. 

The gloomy worker with dark eyeliner and eyeshadow to match her hair pulled her eyes away from her phone to look up at her co worker. Her facial expression didn't change, but that wasn't anything surprising. 

"How should I know?" Her voice was rough. Korra would be ashamed to admit that when she first got moved up to this floor, she had a small crush on Mai for a short time. That was before the two had ever had an interaction. 

The tan woman would normally play with her fingers anytime she spoke to this particular peer, which was only when it was extremely necessary, but right now she wasn't in the mood for Mai's bullshit.

"Listen, I know you know where he is, you always seem to know everything that goes on in this place. So can you please for the love of spirits just fucking tell me!" Korra's stance in the doorway shifted to something more grounded. 

Mai was slightly impressed, but she wouldn't let Korra see it. Instead she looked back down to her phone and held up three fingers. "Floor three." 

With that alone, Korra thanked the pale woman and headed straight for the elevator. Luckily it was empty, so she boarded it by herself in a rush to catch Varrick before the man disappeared again. She aggressively tapped her foot on the floor, shoving her hands in her pants pockets, and the ride felt longer that it should have. As soon as the doors cracked open, she was out of there. 

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