Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.

Start from the beginning

Rachel managed to get Chloe back into a concious state "Charlotte get yourself off to bed" "is Chloe gonna be okay?" Rachel nodded "she's gonna be fine" Charlotte smiled.

*the next day*

Chloe woke the next day and felt like crap "ow, my bloody head" Rachel walked in "are you alright?" Chloe frowned "why wouldn't I be?" Rachel sighed "your drink was spiked" Chloe nodded "I don't remember" Rachel smiled "you were out of it" Chloe grinned "I should get ready for school" Rachel frowned "you're going into school?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm doing my A-Levels, I can't afford too miss school over hangover" Rachel laughed "well hurry then, Eddie and Charlotte are already awake" Chloe frowned "where's Aubree?" "She stayed with Max last night" "oh yeah" Rachel laughed "get ready".

Arriving at school Chloe's head was pounding "my head is killing" Charlotte grinned "well before you were spiked you had 5 barcardi breezers, 3 vodka shots and 2WKD's" Chloe groaned "never drinking again" Charlotte laughed "yeah, let's see how that works" Chloe mock-glared "I need sleep" "not gonna happen Chloe" Chloe again groaned "this life is so cruel to me" Rachel rolled her eyes and walked off with Eddie.

Sitting in the common room Chloe was falling asleep "wake up Chloe" Chloe groaned "I don't want too" Chlo and Jess walked in "Chloe you alright?" Chloe nodded "oh crap" Chlo frowned "what?" "My head is killing" Jess grinned "not surprised" Chloe groaned "seriously turn your voice down" Chlo laughed "you'll live" "no I won't".

Chloe made her way to PSHE which Max taught "I literally can't be doing with this" Chlo grinned "come on, its PSHE, with Tyler, what's the worse could happen?" Chloe glared "he shouts, a lot and I have a pounding headache" Chlo laughed as they went to the classroom "no, its not happening" Chlo frowned "what?" "I'm not attending this lesson" Chloe went to walk away "Chloe?" Chloe turned back "what?" "What am I meant too say if Tyler asks where you are?" Chloe shrugged "you're clever, you'll think of something".

Max arrived at the classroom and noticed Chloe wasn't there "where is Chloe?" Chlo looked at Charlotte who shrugged "well I'm waiting, where is she?" Celine smirked "she's bunking off class, because she has hangover" Chlo turned to Celine "you snitch" Max smirked "keep it down, I'll be back" Max left the classroom and Charlotte looked at Chlo "she's stuffed" Chlo nodded.

Chloe sat in the common room when the door slammed shut "oh flipping hell" Chloe turned and saw Max "why aren't you in lesson?" Chloe smirked "not feeling very well" Max glared "hangover is not a reasonable excuse for missing lesson" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah? Well the fact you shout a lot won't help" Max glared again "back to class, now" Chloe rolled her eyes but made her way to the lesson. Entering the classroom Chloe saw Celine smirking "oh wow, you grassed me up, let's have a flamming party" "Chloe sit, now" Chloe sat with Chlo as Charlotte was sitting with Bolton.

After lesson Chloe went to leave when Max called her "Chloe wait" Chloe groaned "what?" Max smirked "I noticed you were dozing off" Chloe rolled her eyes "and what?" "Its school, you can't fall asleep in lesson" Chloe smirked "yeah I can because this subject is pointless and shouldn't exsist" Chloe left the classroom before Max could say anything else.

Charlotte was sitting with Chlo in the common room when Tom walked in "Charlotte a word" Charlotte frowned and followed Tom outside "your coursework is late" Charlotte sighed "I have done it, its at home" Tom nodded "I need it by tomorrow" Charlotte sighed "alright" Chloe approached them as Tom walked away "alright Chloe?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Tom nodded "see you later". When Tom left Chloe turned to Charlotte "told him yet?" Charlotte shook her head "nope" Chloe groaned "Charlotte he needs to know" "I know he does but I'm wussing out" Chloe smiled "right well I'll make a deal with you" Charlotte nodded "you tell you-know-who and I will try and keep off the booze" Charlotte laughed "that's not exactly a fair deal" Chloe frowned "how?" Charlotte smiled "I tell him and you keep off booze? Should be you tell someone something" Chloe grinned "I don't have any secrets, well not that I know of but if it makes you happy I will tell Max Tyler what I really think of him" Charlotte smiled "we both know you're in love with him" Chloe groaned "damn, well I still also think he's a moron" Charlotte laughed "yeah, let's just get back to studying before we get detention".

Chloe met with Jess for P.E as Charlotte or Chlo couldn't do it "right girls, run the field twice" Chloe groaned "you having us on?" Tom smirked "move it Chloe" Chloe groaned and took off with Jess. After a while Chloe was getting tired "I'm making a complaint" Jess grinned "yeah? To who?" Chloe shrugged "whoever the hell wants to listen" Jess laughed "come on, quicker we get this done quicker we can do something else" "oh joy".

After P.E Chloe got changed and went to leave when Danielle came up to her "Chloe can we talk?" Chloe sighed "you got two minutes" Danielle smiled "I'm sorry for what I said the other day, I was angry that you,Chlo and Charlotte have something that love you unconditionally and I've got nothing" Chloe rolled her eyes "you call me a tart and expect me to be your mate? No chance" Danielle sighed "I was jealous" "of what?" Danielle took a deep breath "because I fancy Mr.Tyler" Chloe was trying to hide her laughter "seriously?" Danielle nodded "yeah" Chloe had to walk away as her laughter would have become evident.

Chloe met with Charlotte and Chlo "guess what" "what?" Chloe grinned "Danielle Harker admitted she fancies Mr.Tyler" Chlo stood there shocked "no way" Chloe nodded "I know, she begged me for forgiveness" Charlotte laughed "what did you say?" "I walked away, I was laughing" Charlotte smirked "wow".

After school Chloe got Aubree from the creche and went to wait for her mum "how's your head?" Chloe grinned "all good" Charlotte smiled "text you later" Chloe nodded and watched as Charlotte walked away. Arriving home Chloe saw another bunch of roses "wow Chloe you're popular" Chloe smiled "yeah", she took Aubree upstairs and rung Max -


Max - problem Chloe?

Chloe - another bunch of roses? Seriously

Max - you got them then?

Chloe - yeah, why keep sending them?

Max - because I can and I will continue to do so

Chloe -right, well I've got to go


Chloe hung up and looked at Aubree "your father is insane" Aubree looked at Chloe and put her dummy in her mouth causing Chloe to laugh "you're a beautiful baba" Aubree smiled and Chloe hugged her and spent the rest of the night playing with her baby girl.


A/N - Hope You Likeed. Xoxo

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