Prolouge | Session 32

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June 3rd 2008
Houston, Texas

6 year old Senai sat in that car talking to her mom and dad as her dad drove too her favorite ice cream place for her 6th birthday.

They came to a stop at a red light and proceeded to drive as it turned green and as soon senai seen the ice cream place coming up, a large truck came smashing into her parents car flipping it over .

Killing them all instantly except for Senai Marie brown

And then everything went BLACK .

April 19th 2016

"Can I go home please" 14 yr old Senai asked the tall pale man in blue scrubs jus above a whisper.

"You could if you'd tell me what's wrong with you your parents said that you attacked them". He said with a sympathetic look on his face.

He could tell that Senai wasn't ok at all but he could also tell that she wasn't capable of doin the things her parents said she so called did.

Her parents were very known people, lawyers actually.
They adopted Senai a couple months after her parents died because they thought it would be great for there image.

Two rich white lawyers adopting a black kid sounded very good in there minds.

They didn't even care about Senai for real.
They were very cruel to her and had her follow very strict rules so she wouldn't interfere with there lives.

They were both very verbal abusive and racists.
Jacob her dad was both verbal and physical abusive, he would beat Senai for the simplest things like asking for food.

They were really good to her when they first adopted her but that didn't last long at all.

After a few months of her living with them they started making her dress certain ways and even forcing her a relax her long beautiful brown 4c hair. 

They would even tell her that she would never make it anyways were if life if she didn't listen to him.

After a while she became very stand-offish and quiet.

But when she turned 14 that's when things got worst her parents sent her to mental facility.

They lied and said she would randomly attack them . They sent her there because they knew the place was horrible they new that they treated children bad.

So every since then Senai has very bad anxiety and depression.

She doesn't talk at all and is she does it's very low just above a whisper.

She cuts her self often and cry's herself to sleep almost every night wishing her parents were still alive.

She misses them dearly she blames her self for their death even tho she knows it's not her fault.

She doesn't leave her room not less it's to eat food and or to take a shower and things like that.

They only thing that gets her through her day is music.

She wished she had friends but she can't even hold a normal conversation with anyone without almost or having an anxiety attack.

Senai looked at the man and quietly denied what he said.

"Well Ms.brown you can go home in the morning"

She nodded and quickly feel asleep dreaming about what she wished her life would be like.

Ight y'all this the first chapter don't mind the chapter names I listen to music while I write and imma name them based off the song I'm listening to at the moment.

I feel like I'm gonna really like this book but don't forget to vote and comment.

edited 🙂

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