chapter 1

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𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗
my eyes are opened by a bright hue covering my room. i groan and sit up, last nights memories all rushing back to me. are the boys really still here? how could i touch them? is caleb gone? all these thoughts were rushing through my head. before i could even process them carlos had interrupted me.

"yo loser. you were great last night." he jumped onto the edge of my bed. i smiled and messed up his hair.

"thank you carlos, what else did you want?" i pulled my self up, resting my head on the board before he threw a piece of paper at me. my eyes opened wide as he jumped over the bed to sit next to me.

"your band. they're ghosts." he said proudly, crossing his legs and arms. "carlos the ghost toaster is a genius." he said cockily. i rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"you cannot tell anyone! please carlos." there was no way talking myself out of this one. i sighed and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"now why would i do that?" i smiled down at him. i could've had a worse brother i guess. "i heard you talking to one of them. about mom." he looked up at me, his eyes slightly red. i pulled him into a hug.

we don't normally have moments like this, but when we did.. they were nice. he pulled away and jumped off my bed. "we never hugged if anyone asks. i'm too cool for that." he walked out of my room, leaving me laughing alone. i rolled my eyes and threw on some ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie.

i walked down the stairs to see reggie in the kitchen with my dad. i'm not surprised. "good morning." i said looking over at reggie who waved at me.

"morning sweetie. how did you sleep?" he looked up at me and i just shrugged. i looked over at reggie who had crossed his arms, and i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"this man deserves a real answer. not just a shrug." he said waving his hand in the air dramatically, the bread falling on the floor. i leg out a chuckle and nodded.

"i slept fine dad." he smiled and nodded before looking at the bread. i look at reggie who was red in the face.

"how'd that happen?" he said confused, scratching the back of his head. i shrugged and picked up the bag.

"must've been a ghost. a very dumb ghost." i joked, earning a pout from reggie and a chuckle from my father. "i'm gonna go to the studio and get some songs done." he nodded and passed me over the sandwich on the plate.

reggie and i walked out of the door and over to the studio. i kept poking him in the arm, still not used to the fact i can touch them. like ACTUALLY touch them. not fantasising about it, but really being able too.

"m'lady." reggie opens the garage door and bows down. i chuckled and rolled my eyes, walking through the door and looking at alex and luke.

"julie! come here, listen to this!" luke shouted out, squealing like a little girl. i giggled as sat next to him as he strummed his guitar. i just looked at him, analysing his face, his hazel brown eyes with a hit of gold sparkling in them. his perfect smile, his little dimples.

"julie. julie!" i jump up and look at them, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks i chuckled awkwardly. "sorry, was thinking of lyrics. just zoned out."

reggie and luke nodded, but alex.. he had this cheeky, mysterious smirk on his face. i looked over at him and he winked at me like he knew something. i shrugged it off and sat on the couch.

"guys. come here." i patted the leather seats as they sat down, reggie on my right and luke on my left which alex taking a seat next to reggie. they had worry plastered over their faces.

"what's up jules? did something happen?" alex said, tilting his head to the side reassuringly.

"yes, something really fucking big happened!" i said, their eyes widening. i don't curse, but i couldn't not. "i can touch you guys." i said softly and they all just smiled. "don't just look at me!" i chuckled.

before i knew it, we were all tangled up in a big hug. i've never felt this happy. "i love you guys." they all smiled.

"we love you too julie." luke said softly. we all just laid for a while. taking in each other, we're gonna make the most of it for as long as we can. who knows how long that will be.


hey guys! thank you so much for reading! again, sorry if there's any mistake, i'm not an author or anything, i just loved writing this and sharing it with you <3

all love

- S

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