Chapter 5

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Please don't ask me to update please understand sometimes I might not be able to so please don't ask🙂

(Your POV)
We watched them leave and I said "Let's go we don't need them anyways!" Noodles asked "Speed where are we going?" I replied nicely "To find the room we got captured at before. They must be in that room!" We walked around for about 6 mins will we seen a group of guards we looked at them and they looked at us and I said "Guys we may have to fight!" Everyone got in a stance and began to fight I noticed guppy wasn't here so I went to look for and I seen her meditating I asked her "Why are you meditating now!?" She said "To keep my calm" I looked at her and said "Guppy now is not the time..... Shark frenzy!" She ran and I yelled "Everyone get out of the way!!!" Everyone moved to the way and guppy took all the guards down they all grew tentacles out of their backs and looked up and grabbed the chains and cuffed us I said "Rewind! Send us back and next time cuff their feet!" He rewinded time and they looked up and the cuffs where gone they tried to run but they fell and a man grabbed a key out of his pocket and said "Rewind could you please rewind us back and take his key." He nodded and he rewinded time again everything happened again except when the man tried to grab his key it was gone and I showed it to them and we ran into the big room that had the pyramid we walked all the way towards the pyramid then a shield protected the pyramid the last second and I said "What! We almost had it!" I turned around and saw Ojo she said "Disfunction just like your guy's parents!" I smiled and said "What do you mean?" She then explained how Wild Card wasn't with us and then I laughed and said "Wild Card old buddy? Are you up in the control room?" Soon after I asked we heard someone say "Yup! Just like we planned old buddy!" Ojo was confused she said "What!?" He replied "When the leader asks you to do something you jump right on it! I just need to find the button to let down the shields!" Wheels then said "Knowing the aliens it's probably a big read button with a shield on it!" Wild Card then said "Found it!" Ojo then said "Good luck! The timers at 10 mins!" She then started drawing on her iPad then a monster started to come out of it growing 40x our size then 5 more came out of her iPad I then used my powers to make the monster disappear then I looked at guppy and she said "Don't look at me I can't do anything without water or anything liquid!" Wheels then told her "This pyramid is made of liquid metal! You can use it!" She then said "ohhhhh okay!" She then touched the pyramid and made a shark out of the liquid and ate 2 of the monsters I yelled "Noodles make a tightrope!" He made a tightrope I then said "Rewind no Slo-mo wait no! I'll go!" I walked the tightrope and the monsters where on both ends and I yelled "Noodles let go!" He did what I said and I was falling everyone was yelling "Speed! No!" I tried to use powers to fly but I couldn't then Noodles stretched his arm and grabbed me he then started to pick me up I got to the ground and hugged everyone Ojo drew something and it came out of her iPad and it grabbed the time card and threw it down to the other ground Slo-mo then jumped and he landed without a scratch I then yelled "WILD CARD WE NEED YOU!" He then teleported right next to me and I said "do you think you can teleport down there and get Slo-mo?" He then said "Yes" he teleported and then teleported back Slo-mo then gave the time card to noodles and he stretched his arm and he put the card on the last second then the pyramid opened and a bright light came out of the pyramid I turned and seen Wild Card next to me I put my head in his shoulder/neck and stayed there seconds later he said "Speed, Look!" I picked up my head from where it was and seen my mom I ran to her and hugged her as hard as I can she then said "Speed! I'm glad your okay!" I replied "I'm glad your okay!" I turned to see Wild Card coming towards me I ran and hugged him and he said "Thank you!" I replied "For what?" He replied "For believing in me no one has!" I smiled and said "Anytime!" He walked away and I went back to my mom and she said "You like him don't you!" I shook my head yes and she said "I knew it! Anyways you to would make a great couple!" I then yelled quietly "Mom!" I ran to where everyone was at and said "Group hug!" We all hugged and talked about everything then Miss Granada came with the other Aliens and said "Congratulations you completed the "Take over!" I then said "What did you mean by "Take over!"?" She then explained everything we all laughed about 3 mins later of talking Wild Card asked me if we can talk privately I said "Okay!" We walked a little further then where we where he then said "Speed..... I like you!" I then smiled and said "I do to!" After we where done talking I ran to my mom and said "Mom! Wild Card likes me to!" She then smiled and said "I approve So don't ask me!" We started laughing and Everyone except the aliens hugged the aliens high-fived each-other we went back to earth and on the way Wild Card asked "Speed, my feelings have been growing since I seen you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" I said "Yes!" We hugged and he kissed me on the cheek I smiled and went to A-Cappella and guppy A-Cappella then asked "So what did you say?" I said "to what?" She replied "We all seen what happened between you and Wild Card!" I laughed and said "Me and him are now a thing!" I hugged guppy cause I haven't she hugged me back and said "I was scared when you sacrificed yourself for us!" I said "I would sacrifice myself anytime for you guys anytime!" I smiled at her and walked to Sharkboy and Lavagirl and they said "What you did back there was a hard thing you know!? We where all scared including your mom!" I told them "I know but a leader leads by example.." they smiled and hugged me

(Time skip 25 years)
You had 2 girls there names are Gin and Rumor, Gin has every power Rumor has a unique power she can Tell people to do anything but before she uses her powers she has to say "I heard a rumor..." there twins and there 12 years old now. You and Wild Card are 37 and are married, your kids god parents are A-Cappella and Facemaker (They are married).

(Amerie speaking)

Y'all this is the last chapter AHHHH😭 there is another story on its way!

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