"Me? Killed by Danny? Impossible." Dark Danny said."Feeling the same here." Danny said."Why do you think I almost look like you?" I said. I have a red eye, my hair is a flame at the tips and my skin in my ghost form is a little bit paler than what it used to be."The only difference between you and me is that I still have my human half. You killed yours." I said.

"Let me guess. You want to kill him like you are going to kill Shredder." Danny said. I quickly grabbed Danny's Katana sword and took aim towards Dark Danny.

I brought the sword down onto him but he dodged. He was fast but I was faster. I managed to cut him a couple of times. He then grabbed my arm that had my bracelet on."I recognise these...I succeeded, didn't I?" He said getting close to my face. I punched him but he didn't let me go. Danny charged up multiple ectoplasmic blasts and aimed them all at Dark Danny.

He placed me between him and the shots. He made sure each one hit me somewhere on my body making me scream. Dark Danny grabbed me by my shirt that was a bit torched now. My eyes glowed in anger as I unleashed the Ghostly Wail.

Dark Danny as sent back but he tore off my shirt completely. I stopped the Wail and saw Dark Danny was sent a good two blocks away from where I am. Danny gasped. I turned to him."Those scars..." Danny said."Don't mess with Tartarus... he's a Fruitloop." I said.

Dan flew full speed towards both me and Danny. He managed to tackle us into the street. He pinned us down and then tied us up."Both of you are troublesome." I saw Raph pointing at a throwing star. I raised my eyebrow in confusion but then I remembered the throwing star he threw at me.

I managed to get it out of my pocket and started to cut the ectoplasmic rope around us. I hope it works..."Those turtles or whatever they are annoying as well. I will kill them along with your family Danny." Danny growled at Dark Danny.

"And you..." He said looking at me."What exactly happened? You said the only difference is that you have your human half." He said. I rolled my eyes."I have the Fruitloop's ghost half in me, idiot."

"WHAT?" Danny shouted."Look, don't think for a second that I'm like you!" I shouted."Have you killed?" Dark Danny asked."Yeah, you in my universe." I said."Have you used your powers for yourself?" He then asked.

"Hey, guess what." I said."What?" Dark Danny said. I lifted up my arms and he jumped back. Danny got up immediately."Now everything about you is starting to make sense. I can't believe you did what you did."

"I'll explain everything later." I said. Both of us got in a defensive stance. Danny picked up his sword and held it ready. We both attacked but Dan dodged both of us.

He grabbed our feet and threw us into the cars."That hurts." I said."For once I agree with you." Danny grunted. We shook it off and stood up, only to dodge immediately since Dan came towards like a speeding torpedo.

"ASSHOLE!" I shouted."LANGUAGE!" Danny shouted. I then got an idea."Danny, release the Ghostly Wail." I said. He looked at me and then at Dan."Well...it worked last time." Danny said. Lucky... I thought. He took in a deep breath and I did too.

Once Dark Danny came close we both unleashed it making the windows on the buildings to crack and break as Dark Danny was sent into pickup truck. He weakly stood up as Danny and I fired ice at him.

He was trapped.

"Let me go!" Dan shouted."We need a thermos!" We both shouted. The turtles jumped into a close by alleyway."A what?" Leo asked."And who the hell is that?" Raph asked."He's me but..." Danny said."Oh, Danny don't be shy. Tell them you have a evil future ahead of you." Dark Danny said.

I sighed and clamped his mouth shut, making ice appear."Alright! This is starting to make less and less sense! You're telling me he is from the Future!" Raph shouted."Where's Clockwork when you need him?" Danny said.

Book 3 PDS: TMNT & Danny Phantom Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu