VII : blAck rosE

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I knock on the door to Yena's apartment three times, the door opening after the first knock. She pulls me inside aggressively, causing me to stumble and fall into her.

"Hi there." She looks down at me and smirks.

I stand up and push her away, mumbling 'pervert' before pausing and looking at the room around me. She tilts her head and watches me with a confused expression before nodding.

"Right... you haven't been here before, have you?"

I shake my head slowly, still looking around. The apartment is fairly neat, but still dark and musty, much like the vibe that Yena puts off. Against one wall is a worn leather couch, matching a small square of leather (I think it's called an ottoman?) that is precariously placed in the middle of the kitchen area. I point at the ottoman. "Why is it...?" I trail off, majorly confused. She smirks again.

"Oh, the last person that was here, we were fucking in the kitchen. We moved the ottoman in for-"

I stop her with a disgusted expression and a hand in her face. "Stop talking. Stop talking right now."

She laughs and puts her hand against mine, interlacing our fingers. "I'm kidding, pretty." She shrugs and lets go off my hand. "I'm just short. I used it the other day to grab a bag of flour from the cupboard." She pauses and looks at my clothes, smirking for what seems like the 10th time today and changing the subject. "Yura-yah, did you dress up for me?"

I look down and look at what I'm wearing; a pair of black jeans matched with a black and white checkered long sleeve shirt (this shirt was kind of expensive; it's made of a fancy material) and a black knitted corset-like sweater on top. I look up at her and blink, not expecting her to have noticed when I chose an outfit this morning that I was making myself look nice for her. I obviously lie, not wanting to tell her the truth. "No, it was just clean and I thought it looked nice." I pause and look up at her, smirking back. "Why, did you want me to have dressed up for you?"

She scoffs and walks into her bedroom. I watch her, feeling slightly abandoned and not sure what to do. "Yes, I will follow you, Yena, thanks for asking."

I walk into her bedroom to see a queen sized bed and a small TV in the corner. The bedding has a white background, and a large black rose dripping something red placed on the right bottom corner. Her walls have almost to no decorations, a few posters of female singers here and there.

"Cute room."

"Thanks." She grabs a pair of black platform boots from her closet to go with her typical white blouse and blue jeans. She hops up and puts a hand on my cheek, tapping it lightly. "Let's go, pretty."

I nod as she takes my hand and leads me out the door.

After for walking/being dragged by Yena for about 20 minutes we arrive at a tall office building.

"What are we-"

She shushes me the same way she did in the bathroom of the club; putting a finger to my lips. "Shh, pretty, not in the building." She points to the roof. "Up there."

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