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(Yellow's p.o.v)

Yellow, White, and I sat outside Steven's room thinking about how to protect him from gems and things that would want to hurt him. "Hmm... Blue, White, do you have any ideas for what to do? I can't think of anything." Blue spoke up. "I have an idea.."

"Well let's hear it, blue," White said, wondering what Blue's idea was. "I was thinking that we could give Steven some quartz guards to protect him," Blue said. "Blue, that's a great idea, but what gems would we make Steven's guards," White asked, questioning blues idea. "I know what gems we could use for guards!" Yellow said, with a smile. "We could use a couple of amethysts from the human zoo to guard the outside of Steven's room. I'm also willing to give up my Jasper for her to guard Steven, he is her original diamond, after all."

"That is a great idea, Yellow!" Blue said with a smile. "I'm glad you think so, Blue! I'll go message my Jasper about it." Yellow Diamond stood up and left.

(About 30 minutes after Yellow left)

Yellow sat in her bubbling room, typing away on her screen. She heard the door open and looked up to see who it was. "Ah, Jasper! You've arrived!" Yellow said with a smile.

"I'm here, my diamond. What do you need?" Jasper saluted and awaited instructions from her diamond.

"Jasper, I'm reassigning you. I want you to poof yourself, and reform with the same uniform, but all the Yellow Diamonds on the uniform will be replaced with pink diamonds. Is that clear?" Yellow asked, sternly.

Jasper nodded. "Yes, my diamond." She hurried out of the room.

[DISCONTINUED] The Diamond Boy. |A Steven Universe au|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant