Chapter 40

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EMMETT GOES FLYING ACROSS A FIELD, flailing until he lands hard on his back at Gemma's feet. He springs right back up and he faces Jasper.

"Again!" He demands.

The text of them all stand back and Gemma catches scent of the wolves. The pack all come out and Gemma sees Sam first. She walks over and he leans down. Gemma smiles and she runs her hand down his snout.

"Hiya, Sam," Gemma greets and she hears Jared and Paul growl. "We should get started," she says and walks away, Paul literally barks.

Gemma and Emmett meet eyes. Emmett looks amused and he nods. Gemma looks at Paul and she walks over to his wolf.

"Will you translate?" Carlisle asks the mind-reader whole Paul rubs against Gemma, and Edward nods. "Welcome," he says to the back.

"Jasper has experience with newborns," Carlisle says as Sam steps forward, Paul and Jared flank on each side of Gemma. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns are different from us," Edward says.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues," Carlisle explains. "Our kind is never more physically powerful... than in our first several months of this life."

Paul huffs in disbelief as he nudges Gemma with his large wolf head. She is still standing between him and Jared. The pack takes this in. Jared and Paul discuss in while Carlisle nods toward Jasper, who steps forward.

"Carlisle's right," Jasper tells them. "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. Second... never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will lose."

Paul growls at that, not liking that. He's not the only one. The other wolves rumble in growls as Sam sits on front of Gemma.

"Emmett?" Jasper calls and they walk to the middle of the clearing. "Don't hold back."

"Not in my nature."

Emmett charges at Jasper with an impossible speed. Emmett lunges at Jasper several times but the newborn expert empath is a virtual blur, so Emmett keeps grabbing air.

Jasper stops long enough to say: "never lose focus. And don't turn your back in your enemy."

Emmett lunges at Jasper again and is met with similar results. Emmett freezes because Jasper has him from behind, tenth inching away from Emmett's neck. An impressed rumble comes from the pack.

"Me next, me next!" Gemma chants as she rums forward, causing an amused rumble to sound from the pack of wolves.

Jasper and Gemma circle each other while Emmett watches with interest, and the wolves watch curiously, like the other Cullens and Bella. Gemma suddenly stops moving and Jasper tilts his head to the side and she suddenly rushes off and Jasper looks around and suddenly; Gemma has him in the same way he had Emmett moments earlier, her teeth inches away from Jasper's neck.

Jasper hums. "Nice work for a newborn herself," he hums and he goes against Alice.

Gemma pairs up with Emmett, Edward and Carlisle. Edward's ability gives him an advantage. The wolves are getting antsy and want to get into the fray but they hold back. Sam's eyes are locked on how easily Gemma is going against the strong one.

The training goes on and Jasper keeps voicing his demands, telling the coven and the pack what to do in order to defeat the newborn army that's coming to Forks in a few days.

Gemma hugs each wolf when training is done. They all lick her and she cringes in disgust at dog slobber and she wipes her face when each wolf disappears into the trees. Emmett laughs in humor as they leave the clearing to head put for a quick hunt then home.

Emmett's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora