Chaptet 10

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Gemma wakes up to the sun shining in her face, through her opened curtains, that Mike yanked open for spite. She was about to get mad but then she beams. It's one of those rare sunny days in Forks. She and Mike share a happy smile before Mike leaves the room.

Firstly, Gemma texts Emmett and tells him that she's going to miss him today. She knows that they don't come to school on sunny days. She saw Emmett's skin in the sun about two weeks ago. She said he was a beautiful disco ball, and he found it hilarious.

Secondly, Gemma takes a nice, hot shower,nrhe smile never leaving her face. She uses strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, and her sweetpea scented body wash to wash her body off before she rinses off.

Once she's finished showering, the blonde turns the water off and steps out. Gemma wraps a blue towel around her body and she begins to blow dry her blonde hair while Mike goes ahead and leaves early. Gemma goes to her room once her hair is dry and her hair drier is unplugged and she finds her out fit, and gets dressed.

She drives her truck to school and she goes to class

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She drives her truck to school and she goes to class.

For lunch, everyone is sitting outside. Gemma is sitting in the grass with Jessica, her white leather jacket laying beside her. It's about sixty degrees but everyone is wearing shorts hand tank tops, short sleeves. They're taking advantage of the rare sunny day in Forks, a Washington.

Bella walks out and she looks around, looking for Edward, more than likely.

"He's not here," Jessica says.

Bella whips her  head around and she looks down at Jessica and Gemma, who are both sitting on the grass, soaking up the sun rays.

"Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear," Jessica adds.

"They just... ditch?" Bella asks.

"No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em for hiking and camping and stuff," Jess replies. "I tried that idea out on my parents. Not even close."

"I bet my mom would if Mike or I asked," Gemma replies. "She's been wanting to go camping for years."

Jessica smiles at her friend while Bella registers what Jessica says as Angela suddenly runs over.

"I'm going to prom with Eric!" Angela squeals. "I just asked him. I took control!" The excited girl gives Bella a quick hug before pulling away. "Are you sure you have to go out of town?"

"It's a family thing," Bella claims..

Gemma's eyes suddenly widen. "Guys, we have to go to Port Angeles! We need to hithe stores before the good dresses get cleaned out."

"Yes!" Jessica gasps in agreement.

"Port Angeles...?" Bella mumbles and she forms a slight plan mentally. "Can I go with you guys?"

"Please, we need your opinion," Angela muses.

Gemma  has tried on five dresses already. She's in a shorter one now, and she absolutely loves it. Gem knows Emmett will like it. If he were human, he'd probably even drool. Gemma does a twirl in front of the mirror while Jessica asks a distracted Bella for her opinion.

Gemma feels her entire body tense when some drunk sorority boys knock on the window, memories from when she was fourteen enter her brain. Jessica grabs her hand, remembering that day, she was with Henry when Gemma told the, what happened.

Gemma hurried to the dressing room when the boys leave. She strips out the dress and she sits on the bench, trying to calm down before a panic attack starts. She inhaled and she exhales, and counts to sixty before she finally calms down enough to put her shorts, camisole, heels, and white leather jacket on. Gemma grabs the dress she's wearing for prom and she leaves the dressing room, and finds Jess and Angela waiting for her, and Bella gone.

Bella never showed up to dinner. This actually doesn't really surprise Gemma. Bella has been flighty since they came to Port Angeles. She fled the boutique as soon as she could. She's been sort of flighty since she started Forks High School.

Jessica, Angela, and Gemma leave the Waterfall restaurant together and they find Bella approaching them. Gemma sighs, she sam this coming .

"Where were you!?" Angela asks. "We left you messages."

"We waited," Jess admits, "but we were starving..."

Edward walks up behind Bella and Gemma raises an eyebrow at him. Edward raises his right back at her.

'Wait till Rosalie hears about this,' Gemma taunts mentally and Edward sighs.

"Sorry I kept Bella from dinner," Edward claims, not wanting to creep Jessica and Angela out by his silence. "We ran into each other and got to talking."

'You're such a liar,' Gemma claims and Edward sends her a look that goes undetected by Jessica and Angela, but Bella notices it.

"I - we - understand," Jessica claims. "We were just leaving, so-"

The trio start to leave and Bella goes to leave with them. Edward is torn. He groans.

"Maybe I should make sure Bella gets something to eat," Edward says abruptly and he looks at a surprised Bella. "If you'd like."

'Smooth, a Edward, real smooth,' Gemma teases with a smirk.

"That's so... thoughtful," Angela claims.

"Really thoughtful," Jessica mutters.

Bella mentally debates on this. "I could eat."

'You better take care of her, Edward,' Gemma demands.

Edward nods slightly and he leaves Bella into the restaurant. Gemma goes to Jessica's car, and Jess drives her hone. Gemma grabs her wardrobe bag that's holding her dress, thanks Jess, and she gets out. She eyes her truck before she goes inside.

Gemma finds her mom and Emmett sitting in the living room, talking and laughing.

"Hey!" Karen greets. "How was shopping?"

"Found my dress," Gemma claims and Emmett looks at her, making her heart skip a beat. "I'm going to my room."

"You leave your door open," Karen jokes.

"Of course, mom," Gemma muses and she looks at Emmett. "Come on."

Emmett stands and he smiles at Karen before following his girlfriend upstairs to her bedrooms. She closes the door, she knows her mom was joking. Karen trusts her.  Gem hands her dress up and she crosses the room and kisses Emmett.

Emmett smiles into the kiss as he wraps his arms around Gemma, holding her close while they make out while standing up in Gemma's bedroom.

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