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"I want my child back Leonardo! I want her back I'm no on drugs anymore you can't keep her away from me! You can't!" The words that was shouted at his face in the middle of the empty building they met in, echoed having the man shook his head in disbelief.

"Seriously! After all these years you want her back!? You are crazy my dear. You don't know what you are saying. Leave or I would make you. Don't you dare come near me or my family or you will regret it."

Menacingly he fired back right in the person face, making them moved backwards a little terrified by the venom that could be seen in his eyes coming out by his mouth.

"She never was yours you thief! You took her against my will, she is not..." Almost crying out sensing they were losing the battle his adversary retaliated with a small regain of courage not giving up the fight.

Intimidatingly the man towered over his opponent grabbing their clothes without a care. Shaky them violently.

"Don't you dare say that EVER! Now BACK OFF! Do not call me or text me! Do not EVER come near were I am understood! Go. NOW!"

Throwing them on the floor carelessly he turned his back to them walking out of the house they met in situated in the middle of nowhere, furry clouding his mind.

The place, a lot which was an ingoing construction, was fairly good place, in an area where buying a piece of land cost a leg, reflecting the situation of the owner. Looking the building knowing who he just left inside, he spat the gum he was chewing on the floor feeling no remorse for treating them like he just did.

In fact he didn't care, he wasn't about to lost what was his first to someone trying to mend their culpability. He did what he had to do there where no going back. Pushing his hairs back for the wind was messing with them, he entered his expensive sport car, then disappear on the road leaving a cloud of dust behind him which the person he left in could only looked at defeated.

Her fingers in Isabella hairs, Sera massaged her skull making her moaned softly her hand around her waist her face in her belly.

"Who is the birthday girl? Huh?....That is my baby! Mmmm... now how about I give you a bath?"

Removing her hands around her neck, she stripped her body of her PJs then took her in the bathtub where she did the same routine they have been in since she came, washing her body lovingly before drying her then for the day she put her the beautiful lavender dress she bought leaving her face natural.

As she finished she chuckled at how obedient she was waiting for her to bring the next move sitting back on the headboard she undid her shirt meeting the lustful eyes that was glued to it.

After sitting on her lap she lashed on her breast while Sera rubbed her back sensually.

She knew she loved it by the way she closed her eyes as the milk poured in her throat.

One thing leading to another Sera who wasn't able to said no to the young woman on something she herself wanted end up holding her a bit later breathing heavily in a position she just didn't premeditated.

They held each other eyes in eyes like a link was created by the experience they just lived.

Sera was in awe, she felt rejuvenate like she was just starting to live again, like a new born, tears ran down her face as she caressed Isa bare face not clouded by any mask putting her hairs out of the way, happy she let her see her like that without walls making theirs souls connected in a beautiful way that had the older woman thankful for holding onto like everytime she thought it wasn't worth it.

She knew only for this one moment in time it was worth to wait, to endure, to fight. For all the time she had her hurt broke she understood it learned her the value of the gift Isa was for her. Looking at her in awe she just caressed her cheeks lovingly.

"My precious baby." The tenderness in her voice trapped Isa in a fog, she was totally in love with her in an irrevocable way.

"Don't cry... I'm sorry if I hurt you"

The innocent way the young woman said those words made Sera heart clenched astonished at her being so clueless. Laughing in-between her cries Sera peperred kisses on her face.

"God you make me happy, those are happy tears my Queen I feel... So lucky to have you. If we didn't have to go I will have you all day... You are perfect. PERFECT! I want to have you in all the way I ever dreamed."

Yawning happily Isa smiled big reassured at hearing her words, her action sending a wave of chock in Sera sensitive part who tried to stand but in a way Isa felt her need. Looking at each other they laughed it off, as Isa pushed her back in the bed the rest being memories in theirs minds and hearts.

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