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Going in the bathroom she came back with a small bowl filled with lukewarm water and a small bath clothe that she started using to wipe all the pristine liquid that she so badly wanted to taste.

Unabled to resist she leaned in taking a good breath of the fresh part, the intimacy lovers could share was for her important to show the level of complicity.

Everything wasn't only sexual Inna relationship even though sexuality was. There were things like trust, care and love that change all the dynamic.

Knowing she felt all those emotions she finished cleaning her contented to have her trust her in that way then put her a pair of panties and a sweatpants she bought happy to see how good it looked on her.

"Here's my baby all fresh, see." The sensation she felt pronouncing those words was incomparable. It completed her making her be who she knew she had to be. Her eyes on her she knew was reflecting all the love she felt for her.

Smiling sweetly she sat down her eyes glowing it was clear she was enjoying herself. Before she could register what was going on she was on her lap her head in her breasts holding her tight.

"Mommy..." A carefree laugh escaped Sera lips smitten at how she held her it felt so good that she kissed her forehead tenderly pushing away tears.

"Yes my Queen?" Rubbing her back with the palm of her right hand Sera asked her face hidden in her love hairs breathing in her shampoo.

"Cuddle with me, pleassse Mama"
Chuckling at her baby antic Sera pecked her lips try to stand up.

"Just wait for me to wear some clothes okay baby I will be all yours after." Making grabbing hands Isa pouted having the older woman heart fluttered aching at the sight.

"Don't do that precious... It's okay then I will stay with you." Adjusting the towel on her the stunning woman laid in the bed as the small form immediately clung to her releasing a satisfied sigh.

They stayed like that for a moment then she felt the material getting loosen up bit by bit as she looked down she only had the time to see Isa making herself comfortable on her naked form almost laying above her.

"Baby... Don't do that ..ohh .... No, Isa, Isa babydoll..." Fighting for her sanity Sera hardly removed her breast out of the hungry mouth standing up all naked she went on the bags she had brought bending to take from the floor not knowing she was quite a show.

Opening her hurting legs subconscious, Isa beated her lips one of her hand directly going in her panties doing something she never did trying to touch herself. Focused on Sera mount she had her hand bowled in a fist incapable of doing it, it just felt not right, but for sure she could feel the juice leaking out of her wetting the sheets under her.

Looking back her way Sera froze understanding what was going on, in a matter of second the room started smelling like sex, and that odor she knew was telling her that someone had the sheets wet... Walking her way back to the bed swaying her hip sensually she saw how Isa legs get wider exposing the spot of wetness on her sweatpants.

By the time she sat on the mattress she could feel herself dripping wet the things running down her thighs, she knew without looking that she left a spot on the sheets. Whimpering was coming out of Isa mouth as she was already trembling slightly her hand still in her pants.

"Remove that hand Isa. Now. " Doing as said Sera could see that it was still dry pecking it she scooted near her removing the gift boxes out siting near her she leaned back on the headboard her thighs crossed.

As she did Isa eyes was glued to them one of her hand trying to have a hold of the woman skin.

"Huh, huh. Baby eyes up. There take your gifts."

"Huh? I, fine." Sucking it up she took the boxes her eyes never leaving the stunning body in front of her she just wanted to eat her all. Opening her gifts she double check it a mesmerized look on her face.

"That is for mee?" Chuckling at how she just forgot her previous desire, Sera nodded knowingly her heart at ease.

Looking up with her big baby eyes at a smiling Sera she rapidly untied the second one squealing at the sight the necklace was wonderful, and the stone she knew the meaning had her breath taken away.

Crying she hugged Sera so tight she thought her lungs would gave up on her.

Rubbing her back the older woman held her lovingly treasuring every minute of it.

"I will always be there, I'm not letting go my baby, you were, are and always will be mine. Understood."

Nodding her head in her neck Isabella held thigter

"Use your words precious."

"Yes, forever and always yours."

"That's my girl now come here I want to put it on your neck." After doing so she admired the beautiful sight, her innocence was kicking on her so hard, intoxicating her gut she knew she had to have her, all of her, she had waited longer, now was the time.

"Come here, come cuddle with Mama."

Removing her shirt she pushed her topless self on her naked form knowing what it means, she wanted the connection between them to be stronger than anything else.

Feeling it as a urge she placed one of her breast in her mouth having her milk pouring in her throat as she sucked for once slowly as if she knew it was all hers and no one could take that away from her.

Her heart and body peacefull  synchronized for the first time in her life, happiness clouding her mind aware that her the unsatisfied soul who could devour every single pleasure this world possess finally had the beast in her tamed.

To know she was always there, that she came to her was so overwhelming that she felt a tears fought it way through her lashes, Sera held her love in her arms breathing in her scent thinking of a way to make it all work out good.

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