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"Yes Mrs Haspin, everything is good. You just have to tell us when you want to use it so if you want us to bring it in another marina. Please you."

Happy to hear it the older woman followed him to the other side of the marina, the small breeze pushing her hair all over her face parting her lips in a thin smile she replaced them behind her ears taking in the scent of the ocean.

She always love that feeling of freedom that the sea could give her, looking up she licked her lips satisfied by seeing the chef-d'œuvre as Mr Charles called it, it was really majestic, its wonderful brown color with its name written in white standing there. Really happy she shook her head pleased.

Following him up she was utterly please to see that they respected the colors and the vibe was exactly what she wanted everywhere. At the end of the visit she shook the man hand giving him her last recommendations getting in her brown SUV car.

Brown was really a color she loves one thing she shared with Isa, she was the one convincing her to buy it. The way her eyes were glowing was all it took to make the decision.

"Wood River Mall." Leaning back in her seat she knew spoiling her wasn't the answer but she couldn't restrained herself.

As they get there she went straight to the a jewelry store to get something she had seen before, even praying it was still there.

"Good afternoon Mrs Haspin, how can I help you?" Smiling at her, the older woman behind the counter asked following the rich cold woman with her gaze knowing not to do it physically.

Finally looking up at her after her gaze didn't see what she was looking for, she put one of her hand on the bridge of her nose defeated she really wanted that item.

"I suppose you've already sell it. You had a Jadeite Jade in form of a leaf with diamond pendant drop necklace. An imperial green Jade, the last time I came here."

Smiling at her remembering the one she was referring to, the owner nodded viguriously.

"Yes I remember, I removed it after you came here, I saw how you looked at it but you were gone after your phone call so I put it aside. Not everyone look at things with meaning in theirs eyes." Disappearing in the back of her shop she came back with two set of boxes.

Opening the first Sera looked in awe at the beautiful necklace that had a pure green Jade stone attached to it. It was simple but the way the jeweler worked on it makes it simplicity a catch for eyes, the purity it diffuse remind her of her baby.

Smiling brightly at the older woman something this one knew was rare, she shook her head indicating she would take it when the woman opened the other box making her floating gaze to settle on what was inside.

Unabled to take her gaze off of it, she examined it as the expert she was it was clearly a 31.30 carat lightning ridge Black Opal and diamond necklace, a classic styled and important Opal pendant, the way it exhibit strong flashes of color displaying green, blue, yellow, red and orange was mesmerizing mostly when you get caught in the brilliant dance of those while tilting it in and out.

Staring back at the owner pleased, Sera handed her the two boxes, not even discussing the price she gave her her credit card.

Smiling brightly happy that she didn't guess wrong, the older woman started the process of registering the items.

"You know those two stones are really significant for the love one the Black Opal as the imperial Jade bring good fortune and harmony. But most importantly it is as I always said more than an engagement, the person who received it will know they will never be alone in this journey physically and spiritually. Knowing that make them relax and stay calm." Finishing the papers she put the receipt in the bag handing her the card in the process.

"Thanks you." The smile of the manager got brighter, hearing Mrs Haspin said thanks and smiled in the same day wasn't a normal thing. She had to life a long life to see that for herself.
The town wasn't that big, everyone knew around who was the woman. A wealth like hers couldn't be hide.

Walking out of the shop happy with herself she followed her bodyguards to her cars while people who waited outside of the shop annoyed but not saying a word was finally allowed to go in.

The first thing Isabella saw waking up was Kira, her blonde sister the fourth of her siblings, reading a book leaned on the headboard, her glasses on. Feeling the mattress moved she looked down at her smiling.
The way they could sometimes treat her like she was a baby when she already a grown woman never stop to amaze her.

"Captain ISS, you're up. You have us worried for a moment you know, it is already 4pm."

Yawning her head going in the pillow she snuggled in it breathing in Sera scent, her scent was everywhere on it.

Thinking about her she looked around her bedroom a new perfume filled the air, it was refreshing calming her nerves. Reading her young sister Kira shook her head at how predictable she was.

"Sera will be back soon she said you will wake up around this hour but silly us we didn't believed.This woman is always accurate. Adria told me you have to eat, don't do that it is your mom who commanded it. You know it's never good to go against her."

Feeling lazy body Isabella mumbled her understanding under her breath her eyes closing again in a light slumber. Making her semiconscious of what was happening around her but didn't missed the part where she said Sera was her mother they always called her that to her.

"You are here!" Her mattress moved like someone was getting down certainly Kira, sighing she smiled happy to be let alone

"She just woke up, too lazy to stand I guess. Sleeping that much makes her thay way, since you are already here I will leave you to deal with her. I have a date, already running late."

Smiling at her Sera thanked her putting something in her front shirt pocket.

"Then go I will deal with her. Thanks you."

Happy she made money from babysitting her grown-up baby sister, Kira smiled big closing the door behind her she immediately pulled the not small stack she put in her clothes just to frozen at the sight.

Astonished she looked back at the door before running away not wanting the cranky woman coming back on her to ask her money back, it was literally the double of her own paycheck.

She was wondering how to pay for her date now she she could treat her like a queen, she was worth it. Humming happily she entered her bedroom locking the door the same time as the one she just left.

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