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Applying the last touch of her expensive make up, Sera nodded at her reflection liking the result it was light exactly how she like it but perfectly fine with her complexion.

Standing up feeling rejuvenate she smiled for no reason taking her purse she had errands to run and had time for it.

She was firmly believing her baby will not wake up anytime soon, leaving her bedroom she locked it putting the usual password she used when she was home for Leonardo to go in his own bedroom which was smaller than his daughter but the biggest when you where to the other side of the house.

Turning to head down she met eyes with Adria who was coming out of her little sister bedroom frowning the tray of food she had in her hand still fool.

"Morning Sera, it's a good thing you are still there. Could you please see if you could wake her up? Only God knows I tried for fifteen minutes straight, she is like in a coma or something."

Doing her best to keep a straight face the older woman nodded doing no effort to go in the bedroom.

"She was already in my bedroom early in the morning she took a shower, changed I think and came to say Hi, she looked really sleepy. I think a lot of emotion, you know how it make her cranky. Oh! She had something to eat from my bedroom though, not that much but it could do. From now on I will prefer to let her sleep and wake up when her body will need to do."

Relief washed over Adria who shook her head from her worries.

"Thanks you. I will do that. She made us live in hell you know. The house is so calm that it is weird."

Walking back downstairs she explained to Sera all the things she would pulled to keep them on edge. Making her worry a little, she went really out of hand. Going form a books nerd to that wild.

"When will you be going again?"

The same worry she had earlier was visible on her face as a maid took the tray away from her. Her hand poking her earlobe pulling her hairs in the air.

Pursing her lips thinking about it, she shook her hand negatively to the Chef asking her if she wanted breakfast.

"Do not work yourself out about it, I postponed all my trips for as long as it will be need. I will figure something out about Isa relax."

"Oh! Okay then thanks you."

"Don't mention it. You know I love her more than everything that stubborn head."

Laughing at her Adria nodded knowing it was true, the woman could be heartless but when it come to Isabella she could become whipped.

"Who do you tell it, you did weird things yesterday. WOW, Tarzan you are."

Shaking her head smirking at her well aware of the Chef and the others staff were hiding theirs smiles at her words. It was unbelievable how they will remind her that untill an unfinished amount of time.

Smiling slyly at her she shook her head at all the weirdest things she already did.

"Whatever dear I'm off. I certainly will be back before she wakes up. If she does makes sure she eat something."

"You're serious about not eating? It's already eleven in the morning."

"Don't worry for me I really appreciate your concern but I'm not feeling hungry, I will be eating something later."
Walking out she nodded her head at Henry as he walked past greeting her.

Getting in her car she breathed out, focusing on what she wanted to do, but her mind keep having her on the mansion.

Not everyone could understand the situation of the weird family, they lived in the same house but was strangers sharing a place, she needed a husband and children for her business sadly so did Leonardo but there where and understanding that clearly said it was all business no hard feeling involved.

She was cleared from the start stating that she was not someone parent and didn't want to be, she treated them all like copartners staying in her part of the house when she was there. The only one who was always forcing her walls was Isabella she made it unbelievably impossible to resist her mischievous smile.

In a small amount of time after her fifteen birthday they became inseparable, before she would provide for everything for her, while her father did for the others siblings, she would paid for the best private school with Ethan for her to not be alone, lately at her demand she did it for Henry and Kira, the eldest already in college.

She played the one who did not see it but sometimes even her dad used her sometime to get to her paperwife as he sometimes called her. He tried numerous times to get in her pants as he did the night before ending as he did, taking care of his problem by himself.

Even when they slept together he knew not to touch her which he didn't knew how to do making her end in Isabel bed since she was sixteen, she would just smiled at her everytime she would show up at her sliding door leaving her the place she always slept in, as it was the same side Sera used in her own bed.

Like she said copying her was a second nature for Isa which was really the cutest thing ever.

She was like a small version of her with all the sass, that is why she knew exactly how and when to push things with her.

"Ma'am we are there."

Wandering her gaze out of the car through the window she licked her lips getting out as the guard opened the door for her.

The manager of the marina immediately came running toward her.

"Mrs Haspin it's a pleasure to have you here."

"I need good news, do you have what I asked?" Looking at her as they shook hands Mr Charles a French man, shook his head showing her the way.

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