Demi: Amy...

Amy: I will miss you.

At that time, the two could not contain themselves, some tears flowed.

Demi: I'm also going to miss you a lot.  You are very special to me.

Amy: Yeah, you too.

The two hugged each other tightly.

Demi: I promise that I will visit you at least twice a year.  At least.

Amy: I promise to keep in touch always.  We'll talk every day.

Demi: Yes.

The singer pulled her into another hug.

They both knew they would still see each other, but they didn't want to stop seeing each other every day.  It was strange and difficult to explain, but they had created a very strong and unique connection.  It is not known why.  The two need each other.

Demi: Goodbye, Amy.

Amy: Goodbye, Demi.

Meghan: Too bad Kevin and Dani couldn't come.

Priyanka: You know, they are always busy with work stuff.

Meghan: Yeah, but they'll be in London soon.  We'll see each other very soon, I hope.

Demi: I think that's it, right?

Meghan: Bye, guys.

She said, almost crying.  And this was not the first time she had traveled.  But this time, she felt she wouldn't be back anytime soon.

Amy: Bye.

Amy looked at Demi, and without exchanging a word, hugged her again, looked at everyone, especially at Demi, gestured with her hand to say "bye" and got into the plane with Meghan.

Hours passed and they were finally in London.  It was around eight in the morning.

A driver picked them up and went to the part of the Palace where Amy lived with her father.  Meghan would spend a few days there and then probably go to a hotel.

Amy: Home!

Meghan: Finally! I am exhausted.

Harry: Amy! Meghan! My two favorite girls!

Meghan: Harry!

Amy: Papa...

Harry gave Amy a hug and then a kiss on the lips to Meghan.

Harry: How was the trip?

Amy: Alright. Where's Aunt ...

Kate: Amy!

Amy: Aunt!

Amy ran to hug her.

Kate: How are you, pearl? God, I missed you so much, babe.

Amy: I'm alright. Missed you, too, Aunty, and Uncle William and the kids.

Kate: Meghan... Good to see you again.

Meghan: Likewise.

The two embraced.

Kate: I'm glad you two are back.

Harry: It seems that my daughter misses her aunt more than her father.

He said, pretending to be offended.

A Complex PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin