"No!" Freddy snapped. "You want the old bat to know we were here? What would we even do with them?"

"Wear them? It does get cold at night—or we could use them to make the mattresses in the Haven a bit softer."

"...you get two. Any more and you know Cruella will notice and that would just bring that witch Maleficent after us."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know how to take things inconspicuously Fred," Claudine said, rolling her eyes as they broke into the DeVil place. Though she had to admit, she was a little shocked that Fred didn't put up more of a fight. Then again, they were on the border line between Mal's old territory and the Caster's territory.

The last thing they wanted was to run into Yzla or Zevon without the rest of the Angels with them. Daggers didn't work well against potions after all.

Freddy rolled his eyes. "Well grab 'em now otherwise you'll miss Prince Beast's coronation. I know girls like that sort of thing."

"Eh, I'm not exactly interested in the stuck up Boreadon princes but I'm on it," Claudine said with a scoff as she made her way to the fur closet. Freddy shook his head and turned on the television. His timing seemed to be perfect as he had turned it on just as the camera showed the prince's carriage.

"Wait a minute..." Freddy muttered as he looked closely at the image before him. "That's Mal. But that means...that sneaky little witch!"

No wonder she'd been so wound up the last time he saw her! He had been looking right at the Crown Prince of Boreadon!

She had actually brought the Crown Prince to the Isle! Freddy thought. And apparently sank her talons into him since she's riding to the coronation with him! That little...how did she pull that off?!

"Okay, I know Mal's not your favorite person but what did she do this time?" Claudine asked as she came back in, Freddy's eyes narrowing at the television. "You're staring into that television like you're our father and it's showing you a vision of Esmeralda."

"Look who's carriage that little witch is riding in!" Freddy growled. "She made a fool of me the last time she was here and now she does this?! She sank her claws into Boreadon's Crown Prince!"

Claudine smirked slightly. "Only the best for Maleficent's daughter I guess. Oh, by the way, check these out! I got black panther and snow leopard, figured the darker and less rare of the furs would be less likely to be missed."

Freddy couldn't help the small smirk on his face as Claudine stroked the furs. "Very nice. How in the world did Cruella even get black panther or snow leopard fur? We don't exactly have snowy places here."

"Don't ask me," Claudine shrugged. "Maybe she got the snow leopard fur from a contact in Arendelle? All I know is that furs are definitely hard to come by on the Isle, making them somewhat valuable and geez does Ms. Fur Ball guard them! I had to dodge bear traps in that closet!"

"Bear traps? Really?" Freddy scoffed. Such an idea was insane, no one cared about furs that much that they'd try to steal them. While he was aware of what they were doing to Cruella's furs, it was less because they wanted the furs and more because as a mid ranked gang on the Isle they didn't get the comforts that Mal's gang of sinners and misfits got.

Claudine nodded. "Dibs on the snow leopard."

"You and the other girls can fight over the furs," Freddy said as he shook his head. "There's only one thing I want...revenge on that little witch over in Boreadon."

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