•Bad Timing•

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•This chapter involves some swearing idk if ppl get triggered by that but just incase•

I got up in a pastel pink room.It was Ty-lees guest room but I didn't wake up from my alarm I woke up at Azula and Ty-lee yelling at me.
I leaped out of bed and told them to get out so I could take a shower.
After I took a shower,I dried off and and blow dried my hair.I put in 2 space buns in and straightened the rest down.I put on a grey crop top and Adidas leggings.I put on a gold chain and Nike air shoes.
I packed her bag with the same lunch from yesterday and got caught up with the bus with Azula and Ty-lee.Zuko was waiting there for me at the back.Azula and ty-lee sat in their usual spot and went to the back with zuko and zuko kissed me on the cheek but there was something off about him he kept on looking out the window with a worried look on his face.I asked him what's wrong and he said everything was fine but I could tell it wasn't the truth.I tried to reassure myself that he wasn't lying but deep down I knew he was.I decided to pass the time by going on my phone.I was about to go on Instagram to see what everyone was doing but then zuko told me not to and maybe go on TikTok or YouTube instead but I went on Instagram and I scrolled down for a bit when I looked over at Zuko he looked like he was panicking.I didn't want it make Zuko sad,so I went on TikTok instead and I saw Zuko give out a sigh of relief.But that I felt like he was hiding so after we got off the bus I headed to my class early instead of talking with my friends like I usually do.I was the first one in my class.Not even a teacher was there.I decided to check Instagram to see what Zuko was hiding.
Ok ik this chapter is shorter than my usual ones but I wanted a cliffhanger I'll post the next chapter today so u guys don't have to wait long.
•386 words•

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