Tactical Genius

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In a burst of movement I stood up drawing my nine mil up in front of me with my arms bent close, I leveled the sights on the first target, a bunker that had all kinds of weapons poking out of it. Before I pulled the trigger a wise ass one liner came to mind, and yes it is cheesy. 

"Your fired!" I yelled out as I squeezed the trigger and let the round exit the chamber of my weapon. It flew in the air for less than a second before it impacted the roof of the bunker, the entire structure shook and collapsed with the kinetic energy that was forced onto it. 

Like a trench whistle being blown the entire line of guards men and Astartes surged forward being supported by the armored units of both factions, a full salvo of artillery slammed into the trench line of the enemy at the same time. Carpet, mud, wood and bodies erupted into the sky as the hail storm of explosive shells rained down on the defense. The sound of cannon fire and las canon beams sounded as the leman russ tanks that made up the first wave of armor added their furry to the rain of shells, bunkers had peaces blown off while gun emplacements along the trench line melted from direct hits. 

Not to be out done by the Guard the Emperor's truth predator tanks laid down accurate fire on dug in tanks, piercing through turrets and detonating ammo racks. While the line of armor crawled across the no man's land the companies of guardsmen ran behind chimera transports or leman russ tanks for cover, their marine allies had no such qualms as they sprinted past catching up with the armored assault line laying down bolter fire. Razor backs were sprinkled amongst the chimera transports sending down heavy bolter fire as devastator squads jogged behind. 

All this action had happened in less than forty five seconds, and during this time I took down two more bunkers and an artillery piece. I was moving my aim up to the drawers of my dresser, were anti air guns and other emplacements began to return fire on the loyalists. I grimaced as I realized that in shooting these hard points of defense would result in me losing half of my clothes at best, however clothes can be replaced where as the living armies of the 40K  universe is a much taller order.

With resignation I line up my sights of my nine mil and began to silence the traitor gun emplacements. Drawer by drawer I took out the guns of the chaos defenders which eventually caused my aim to rise to the bastion itself, it is one thing to shoot your stuff, its something else to shoot a piece of terrain you put together and painted. Hell putting all the pieces together after the paint dried was a headache due to the scale of it all.

It took me a full day just cutting the pieces out of screws, assembly took sixteen hours total to assemble each connectible piece. Painting took three days.. Base coating, trim, detail work, glossing, resin, and finally spraying it with super glue to keep solid. Did all this for an apocalypse game that we had planned out for next week's recording session, it was supposed to be my imperial army against three other armies fighting for a fortress to control the flow of reinforcements. I was looking forward to fielding all my armies in one place to flex how good I am at painting.

Now after all my work I had to put nine millimeter rounds into its now steel and concrete walls. I sighed out a long breath of sadness as I squeezed my trigger only for me to hear the click of the firing pin hit nothing. My mind froze for a second as I registered the fact I was out of ammo.. 'Shit' was all I thought as I realized that I had signaled the full assault and the flanking maneuver in one go. Now the cadian first shock regiment was about to assault an hardened position with all its weapons still up and functional. Even with the Emperor's truth aiding in the assault the number of casualties now went from possibly minimal to high as sin. 

My mind raced as I holstered my hand gun and crouched down by the night stand. I looked to the sisters as they waited for me to move, the majority of them were facing towards the battle. However the Canoness was always observant to my moods and movements, when she heard the loud click from my weapon she knew that my godly weapon of death had run out of ammunition. Meaning that now I had no choice but to engage in melee combat, how ever I need a weapon to do so.. And The only one was mounted on my wall over my head board of my king sized bed. 

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