The Cycle (Counterfeits and Lies)

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Stuck in a vicious circle,
A horrific virtual, inescapable cycle,
That destroys all who land into it.
It's the cycle of hate, the digital darkness of the world,
That no one can seem to escape.

We're stuck in an endless loop of our brains being ripped out,
Replaced with a numbness nothing can overcome,
The only things we see being numbers and lies.
The higher the numbers, the more we're worth,
The one standard, the one perfection all will have to reach,
Or be destroyed by the fire of hate,
The storm that cannot be controlled,
Fuelled on the human mind itself.

Life compressed into nothing but the number of likes you get,
People sacrificing their humanity itself to appear positive 24/7,
Driving themselves into a hole of pain on the inside, as their souls are ripped out in an attempt for perfection,
To please the algorithm gods that rule over our reality,
Blood for the old gods of hope, truth and reality,
Water for the new gods of despair, lies and deception.

People destroy themselves for a standard they will never reach,
Lie to themselves that they will be happy in the end if they follow this path,
When they will end up servants to the algorithm cults,
Not knowing what's real or what's lies,
Picture perfect, photogenic lies being all reality is.
Is this truly right?
If a human life has now been compressed into 1 picture, 1 story, 1 number,
Is this what reality is now?

Somehow, we must escape the cycle,
This virtual incomprehensible darkness that has taken over the minds of millions.
Somehow, it will happen, but I'm not sure how.
We must somehow defeat the algorithms,
Realise what we have been seeing and chasing towards are nothing but counterfeits and lies,
And reconcile our humanity, our flaws.
The internal civil war between the faces we put on, and the suppressed darker parts of humanity branded into every heart,
Must somehow end.
I'm not sure how,
But just remember, it's life,
Not li(e)fe.
Live as yourself,
Find who you are,
Find your destiny,
And live that way.
That is what reality is, that is true hope.
Put your faith in the true gods, of hope, truth, and life,
Because even though they can be dark,
They are true.
And the truth is worth more then 1,000 lies.
Trust me,
I've seen it.

('To be human is to be wrong, to be human is to feel things, to be human is to let your emotions run free, so you know you're alive, because everyone makes mistakes, no one's perfect. Jae Park)

DUSK - A Poetry Collection (#6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora