Chapter 51. A mother's resentment

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"Mom please stop trying to persuade me..." Zane interrupted before Victoria could continue convincing him to visit the twins.

"Aria is the one who wished the most of all of us to see the children..." He continued slowly, gazing lovingly towards the small cruel beauty who did not wish to grant him his most fervent wish... her awakening.

"I will not see them... I do not have the right to be a parent, if Aria can't do it with me as well. I really can't, please do not force me. I beg you."

The cracked hoarse voice of her son who appeared no different than the immobile girl on the bed, a living dead, stabbed Victoria's motherly heart. Her son had never begged her for anything in this life, never did he so tiredly plead to her before...

She did not know whether to feel relieved that Zane was not really blaming the children, at least not on a conscious level, or sad that he did not think he had the right to be a father anymore.

Her eyes moistened at these thoughts so she could not find it in herself to continue convincing Zane to visit the children. She could only give him a bit more time to make peace with the situation and see clearly his priorities. She feared she would break him completely were she to try to forcefully remind him that from now on he had to play the role of a father and mother to the two small peanuts.

"Aright. I will take care of them. Promise me you will eat the lunch I brought. You can at least do this for me. To take care of Aria you need strength, if you collapse you won't be able to properly look after her."

Using Aria was the only thing that could work these days for Zane to accept to eat the least bit, so Victoria had no choice but to use it each time. Though this reason unfortunately could not make him visit the children.

"I will eat... Did Ryan tell you anything about what he found out about the Langdons? I neglected my phone and I think it ran out of battery." Only at the mention of Aria's health did Zane pause for a bit his action of wiping the fair hand, then continued inquiring about the matter concerning the people who caused the petite woman to be in this state.

He would be a fool to think that Aileen Langdon had thought by herself of such a vicious plan, so he wanted for all of them to suffer even though he was not absolutely certain all of them had intended to hurt Aria. Just for the fact that they as parents had raised such a daughter was enough to be considered guilty in the grieving man's eyes.

Not to mention the stupid woman was most likely influenced by her father in acting the way she did. And the most conclusive evidence in this regard was the fact that she knew of the contract, which she had no right or reason of knowing at all, and used it in her benefit at the most crucial time.

If her father hadn't told about the agreement to his family members, then how would the mother and daughter know about it? Moreover if the former Aria had indeed spoken of it to her family despite the breach penalty she would incur, as Darren claimed she did, why was there a need for Aileen to come forth and ask her about it now, during the night of a party, more than three years after the contract was signed. And not only this, why choose this time to do it when it was pretty clear that the initial situation had changed, and the contract would most likely not be fulfilled after all.

The Langdon family would have discussed with Aria of the contract a long time already, Aileen wouldn't" have waited to discuss these matters with an amnesiac Aria. The concern for her cousin which Darren spoke about could also be clearly refuted, those people had not visited the former Aria even once during her coma... how could they use care now as a motive for revealing the contract to her?

"You can have my charger. It's a wireless one so it should work for any phone, I'll have my secretary bring it from the car. Just make sure to have your phone charged so I can keep in contact with you. As for the Langdons don't worry about them, I'll take care of everything." Victoria stated, just as Zane was covering Aria's upper body with the warm blanket, having finished wiping her face and hands.

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