Start from the beginning

"It's an honor to be in your presence, Lower moon six, and my lord," (Y/N) said in a monotone voice, as their forehead rested on the back of their palms.

The lord said a couple words to Rui before vanishing into the darkness. A smile then broke out on the boy's face when he saw his older sibling.

"Hey hey! Did you see that?" He ran to the larger demon, who was making their way to stand on their own legs now.

"I did,"

"You see this? I'm part of the twelve kizuki now! How cool is that?" Rui jumped, filled with a laugh filled with pure joy.

A demon wasn't supposed to feel emotions, but bury them deep down. Emotions only get in the way of fights, and becoming stronger, but as long as these two had each other they were unstoppable.

"It's time for dinner, Rui. Let's go home," (Y/N) took the smaller boy's hand in his and walked into the forest, before a soft crunching interrupted them.

"Demon slayers, I'll take care of them, okay?" They reassured, before letting go of the boy's hand and heading in the opposite direction.

"But— (Y/N)!" Rui called out.

"You need to save up all your strength, I'll bring them back to the house to have a big feast to celebrate you being part of the twelve kizuki!" (Y/N) waved back at their little brother as they walked off, their lips turned into a grin. "Just leave it all to me! I'll be home soon!"

And they did just as they said, they brought home the fresh bodies of three demon slayers. The family was spoiled with a feast, the majority of their siblings didn't eat at all, but that left more for Rui to gain more strength with his newfound power.

Everybody loved (Y/N), through all the fear and the acting nobody could resist their soft aura. Love was something that was very rare in this pathetic excuse of a family, but Rui and (Y/N) had something beyond special. It felt almost human, and it felt so nice and warm despite the painful chill that the forest had carried

Everything was going so well.

Another couple months and he was already Lower Moon Five, he had so much potential and Kibitsuji had given him so much praise.

Did karma catch up with them? Did God see that they were sinners living in harmony and it had to come to an end?

It was just another normal night, but before we knew it... She was dead.

(Y/N) was connected to everybody in the family, so they would know exactly when somebody got cut off.

It all happened so fast, it was the Hashira.

They didn't send one, but two Hashira.

"So unfair, unfair," (Y/N) complained, running into the forest while desperately searching for Rui.

He was found, his headless body hopelessly stretching its arms out for something. Staggering back and forth trying to keep on its feet.

"Rui!" (Y/N) had exclaimed, reaching out for the headless boy and embracing him tightly. mumbling his name over and over again as if some kind of prayer.

"Rui, Rui, Rui, Rui. I'm here, it's okay," They promised.

It was not okay, all (Y/N) could feel was the growing despair and grief building up inside their stomach. At this point the two didn't care about the demon slayer and Hashira only within feet of the scene. Rui's head lay a few feet away from where (Y/N) had stood embracing his headless body which returned the embrace just as desperate. The eldest sibling lifted what was left of the head into his arms and kissed his forehead despairingly. Continuing to repeat the boys' name like a mantra.

"Rui, Rui, Rui, Rui, please,"

(Y/N) had tried to put what remained of his head back onto the headless body before the rest could turn into dust, their shaking hands hardly being able to remain steady enough to connect them.

It was too late.

All Rui was able to do was embrace his sibling one more time before he fell into the clutches of hell. His entire demeanor changed in the matter of seconds, the ungodly amount of bloodlust and jealousy sinking into something grievously upsetting.

(Y/N) shook violently as Rui's being faded out of existence, unable to make sobs or even cry it was so overwhelming. All (Y/N) could do was sit up and lift their head to the sky, patiently waiting for them to be finished off as well. Even though it was short lived, these feelings would never be forgotten and always etched into the minds of the audience that was present. The scene left the smaller demon slayer in grief and tears, experiencing unimaginable despair and nostalgia.  It was only mere moments before their head hit the floor with a small 'thump'. Warm tears decorated their face before they too were dust.

Every good thing must come to an end.


Written by -CHEWIE-


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