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Hi everyone here I'll explain the characters and what is happening in the universe
Mai-15 is a Freshman in high school-goth-popular-friends:Azula,Ty-lee-boyfriend:Zuko
Suki-15-Freshman-fighter-not popular but has alot of friends-friends:Sokka,Katara,Aang,Toph,Zuko,The kyoshi warriors(in this avatar universe there the martial arts club)Yue-Boyfriend:none yet
Zuko-16-Sophomore-Awkward-gets bullied by the popular girls-friends:Aang,Katara,Sokka,Suki,Toph-Girlfriend:Mai
Aang-14-Freshman-Sometimes popular-rarely gets bullied-Friends:Katara,Sokka,Toph,Suki,Zuko,Some monks from the meditation club-Girlfriend:None yet
Katara-15-Freshman-Skilled waterbender-not popular-Friends:Aang,Sokka,Toph,Suki,Zuko,Yue-Boyfriend:None yet
Sokka-16-Sophomore-Sarcastic-popular with ladies ;)-Friends:Katara,Aang,Zuko,Suki,Yue,some ppl from the sword fighting club-Girlfriend:None yet
Toph-14-Freshman-Tough-gets into fights-Friends:Aang,Katara,Sokka,Zuko,Suki-Boyfriend:None yet
Azula-15-Freshman-Popular-Bullies ppl-Friends:Ty-lee,Mai-Girlfriend:None yet
Ty-lee-15-Freshman-Popular-Likes to follow Azula lead when she bullies but is sometimes nice-Friends-Azula,Mai-Girlfriend:None yet
So now that u know what the characters are about let me tell u what high school is about.Azula,Mai and Ty-lee are the popular girls of the school a lot of boys really like mai and Ty-lee but they fear Azula bc she bullies alot and her power of fire bending is terrifying.The gaang are a group of friends that hang out alot and sometimes they invite mai and tylee bc they don't bully them only Azula bullies the gaang bc mai and tylee are good friends with them.Sokka has a crush on Yue and Toph likes Sokka,Aang and katara have a crush on eachother.Azula has a crush on ty-lee
and she only told Mai.Ty-lee has a small crush on Azula but she's afraid it would ruin her reputation of being the nice girl so ppl will be afraid of her.The characters in the story wear modern clothes.That's all that u need to know for now:) byeeee
361 words

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