Chapter 2

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Warning: shitty chapter ahead


I stuck the axe into the chopping block, before I started to bring in the firewood.

It's been a week since I woke up and Mr. And Mrs. Art have let me stay. In return, I've been doing most of the physical work for them, like chopping wood.

Mr. Art had told me he would train me, but I don't understand what he meant. At least not completely.

I put the firewood neatly next to the fireplace before going back outside to stack the rest of it.

As I went back out, I saw the axe was missing.

I walked towards the chopping block confused before something was at my neck.

I looked down, seeing it was the axe, an inch from my neck.

???: you're reaction time is slow, and you can't sense the presence of others well

I looked to the wielder to see Mr. Art holding the axe in his left hand. In his right hand was a double sided war axe, with a single button by the thumb.

He withdrew the axe blade before tossing it up and catching it by the head, then handing it over to me.

Mr. Art; follow me. Your training begins now

Y/n: what?!

Mr. Art: you heard what I said

Time skip

The axe fell several feet short of the target once again.

Mr. Art was training me in axe throwing, despite me telling him I had always used a sword. His response was "You used a broken blade, and had no basic training. That's not using a weapon, it's flailing and hoping for something to happen". He said he would teach me how his father did.

But I was terrible.

I walked forward, picking up the axe again, walking back.

As I readied for through it with my hand again, he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

Mr. Art: you keep failing with one hand, so try using two

I looked at him, before listening.

I threw it as hard as I could, getting more distance but still missing.

Mr. Art: much better. We'll work on getting you able to use one hand though

Y/n: yes sir!

He chuckled.

I ran forward to grab the axe, but I saw something appear from the forest. A grimm. A Venice.

 A Venice

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Mr. Art: kid, back away!

But  I neared closer, it stopped to look at me.  It was obviously wary of me, but spoke to it to calm it down.

Y/n: it's ok, you don't have anything to fear from me

It then neared into touching distance and I stroked it down it's neck.

It was beautiful, but it was slightly injured. Or at least it seemed like it, as it's left antler  was chopped down half way.

I heard footsteps and it looked away from me, to something behind me.

Mr. Art: so you can speak with them...

He walked next to me, reaching out ibis hand slightly.

The Venice stared to shift, about to attack.

Y/n: easy, easy. He won't attack you

It stopped moving, but only for a few seconds. It then took a few steps back before running into the forest.

Mr. Art: you have a strong semblance. Venice are some of the more dangerous grimm. And not because of what they are, but what they become

Y/n: yeah

Mr. Art: you know, my own semblance is to sense ones aura. I can see them any aura within 20 feet of myself. And yours is strange. It's like it's not there

Y/n: you mean I don't have one?

Mr. Art: yes, but no. It's only half there. You have a semblance, and it's strong. But at the same time, it's too weak for protection. So I have no idea how you've managed to survive for so long

He grabbed my shoulder, turning me towards him.

Mr. Art: so you know why I want to train you?

Y/n: no, not exactly

Mr. Art: well, to an extent it's selfish. My axe, was handed down to me by my father. And he got it from his father

He put the axe forward, for me to take.

Mr. Art: and my son had it for awhile. But then, he changed one day

I took the axe from him.

Mr. Art; one day, a year after he left home, he showed up. He was different. Like he was someone else. He dropped off the axe and told me he had no use for it. When I asked him why, he yelled. He told me not to question him

Y/n: and do you know where he is?

Mr. Art; yes...but we don't speak with him anymore. Not come on. Let's get back to training you

Mr Art picked the wood axe up, spinning it in his hands.

Mr. Art; soon, you'll be able to match me

??? POV

I walked from the trees, completely invisible. I saw Y/n and the old man speak.

The branches shifted next to me, another invisible form sitting there.

Brother: should we go in and bring him back now?

???: no. If we do, the man will stop us. Hell, let's wait a bit. 2 weeks. Call Ray and tell him that. I wanna see his confidence rise before we crush it again. Then we'll inform Ozpin


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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