Chapter 3 - The Arrival

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"Fly?" I gulped. "About that, I haven't-"

"Its alright Blaze, I have two broomsticks with standard safety features. Not the racy brooms that we use in games." He assured me. This didn't assure me at all. My heart was beating in my chest, drowning out my thoughts. I was terrified, not that I would fall exactly, but yeah. Basically that I would fall. 

We mounted the brooms and watched as the disillusionment charm spread to include them as well. I could see Oliver, and I think he could see me because he had cast the spell for both of us. 

"Just kick off from the ground, hard. The broom will lift you into the air, but it takes force to start." Oliver instructed. I did as he said and found myself rising into the air. Oliver followed behind me. "Hey, you're a natural! You should try out for your house team." he shouted. Once I got over the initial shock of flying, the overall experience wasn't bad. The wind rushed through my hair, which soon became a tangled mess. I took the lead and we flew to my house. We touched down in my front yard just as the disillusionment charms were wearing off. 

I unlocked the front door using the spare key (under the green stone in the front garden). Oliver pulled something out of his backpack as we walked up the stairs to the second floor, where my room was. He set the item on the floor and said "Engorgio." The item expanded until I saw a traveling trunk in my room. "I figured you didn't have one of these, so I brought one along. You'll need to pack a lot of things to take with you, as you're going to another country and all," he said. 

"Um, how will my parents react to me leaving?" I asked him. They would freak out if I just up and left without telling them anything. 

"McGonagall said you have two options. Either you can come to the school during the year and return home for the summers, or you can stay in Europe full time, where someone will be assigned as you're guardian at the school. Likely one of the teachers and you will just live there over the summer," he answered. "Whichever option you choose, when we leave a memory charm will be administered to your parents with a story of where you are going, if you even existed at all."

I thought about this. Oliver was telling me I had a chance to start a new life. One where my disapproving parents wouldn't even be in it. I thought about all the relatives that would let down by coming out to them. The few friends I had already thought I had moved away. There was nothing left here for me. I had a chance for a new life, I was going to take it, even if it cost me later. 

"I'll stay in Europe full time." I said after my careful consideration. Oliver looked surprised.

"But, you'll never see your parents again." he said. 

"I know, but they will never accept me. As you might have picked up on earlier, I'm genderfluid. My entire family is against that. I'll be better off without them." I said firmly. 

"Wow, muggles are weird. In the wizarding world, being trans, queer, et cetera is fully accepted and encouraged." He said in disgust of the horrors of mugglekind.

I moved over to my closet, grabbing everything I loved. I left the horrid dresses my mother made me wear to church. They just weren't for me. My straight leg jeans went in the trunk, no question. Athletic-wear and sweatpants were thrown in after some t-shirts. I quickly moved my undergarments and pajamas into the trunk. I was still a bit uncomfortable around Oliver and I didn't fancy leaving my underwear laying around. I collected my hair and skin products from the bathroom. The trunk wasn't even half full. Oliver helped me fold up my knitted blanket. This was going to be a heavy trunk. 

"I have so many books, I can't possibly take them all." I said aloud.

"If there are things you want to keep but not take with us, I could set some repelling charms around your room. Essentially making it impervious to entry without your permission. I'm sure we could transfer your entire room to Hogwarts at some time." Oliver responded. 

I ran downstairs and grabbed some snacks from the kitchen. It would be good to carry some with me, who knows when I might get hungry. It was only noon and my parents got off at 5 and 6 in the evenings. So, I offered to make us some lunch. While I boiled some pasta in a pot and melted butter, milk and cheese in a saucepan Oliver and I chatted some more.

"I really didn't think this was going to happen today." I said, the shock wearing down. 

"Yeah, it must be pretty crazy for you," he replied. 

I moved the pasta to the cheese sauce. Before scooping it into bowls. 

"Violá, macaroni and cheese!" I said. "I could make something else too, but I figured pasta would be a filling meal."

"Thank you Blaze," Oliver said as he took a bite. "It's delicious," he smiled. I did too and realized it was the first time I had smiled in a long time. After lunch we cleaned the dishes, so nothing would be suspicious when my parents came home. Oliver told me that a portkey had been arranged so we could get back to Europe, as he couldn't apparate yet. We went back up to my room, where my trunk was so we wouldn't have to carry it downstairs. 

Oliver picked up an empty soda can, tapped the can with his wand, and whispered, "Portus." The can glowed bright blue and then stopped. "It's almost time," he said. 

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked Oliver. 

"Professor McGonagall's office, then she'll direct us elsewhere," he answered.  

I grabbed my trunk, Oliver grabbed the two broomsticks and both of us put a finger on the portkey.  There was a tugging feeling in my stomach and I felt myself being pulled though space to our destination. When my feet slammed back on the ground, I felt nauseous. I definitely preferred broom travel to portkeys. From the green look on Oliver's face, he did too.

I looked around the room that we had arrived in. There was a massive fireplace behind us. The room had a desk with a chair beyond it and two in front of it. 

"Take a seat Miss Carter, you too Mister Wood," a voice said from behind the desk. That's when I saw her, Professor McGonagall. Just as she was in the series(how all this was possible I still didn't know). 

Oliver and I took the chairs in front of the desk. As Professor McGonagall sat down, I got the impression I was about to be interrogated. But she smiled warmly and just said, "Welcome to Hogwarts, we have a lot to discuss."

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