Chapter 2 - The Departure

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His words echoed in my head. You're a witch Blaze. Ever since reading the Harry Potter series, I had wished I could be a part of that world, now I could. 

"I know that it's a big bombshell to drop like this," Oliver said, "but you need to know." I continued doing the workout for class while I considered his statement. 

"How to I know this is for real?" I asked finally. 

"Ahh," He said, pulling an envelope out of his pocket, "McGonagall sent me with this."

I opened and read the letter, my eyes hardly believing what I saw. She explained it so well in writing. Somehow I was convinced. "Okay," I said. "When do we leave?"

"After class," He replied. "It's sooner than you think, but we need time to run to your house before your parents return from work so you can pack." I thought about his words. I knew my parents would never accept me as myself. I would have to fake being cisgender around all my conservative relatives. The strain wouldn't be good for me. I would love to have a place to escape to. Would my parents have to know? I don't think they would accept me with the additional change of me being a witch.  

"Okay, we leave right after class." I said. "Do my parents have to know?"

"I'm afraid not. They are only putting you in danger by not accepting you." He replied. Wait, how did he know they aren't accepting me? 

"How-" I began.

"The school gets updates when their students are in danger at home." He interrupted. That was definitely an invasion of privacy, but a the moment I was just glad with the opportunity to get away from my toxic parents. 

Coach Baker announced from the other side of the room that it was time to get packed up. Oliver and I walked over to the wall where our backpacks were. I was the first changed and packed up, so I walked over to Oliver. 

"Ready?" I asked him. 

"Yes," he replied. "I've already set up a widespread memory charm to erase their memory of you, to make them think you just moved away. They won't remember me either. It should be taking place at the end of the day, so your disappearance won't be questioned. McGonagall has  "informed" your next teacher that you have a doctors appointment, and you are leaving in between classes."

The minutes dragged on. Oliver had walked away, towards the group of guys talking. I watched his expression as he listened to them. For a second it changed to one of anger before returning to a neutral face. I wondered what he had heard to make his mood change so quickly. 

RIIING!  The bell signaling the end of class. Oliver walked over to me and we left the classroom first. I was about to ask him about the conversation among the football boys that he had listened to when he started talking again. 

"Grab my hand," he said.

"Um, what?" I asked, confused as to if I had heard him right.  

"I'll explain later, just do it," he replied. The tone of his voice scared me a bit. He knew something I didn't, and evidently had a reason for the sudden contact. So I grabbed his hand. 

We turned a corner and he pulled my aside. Oliver turned to me and in a hushed whisper told me, "I overheard the guys back there talking about how they found your gender-fluidity unnatural and were going to gang up on you between classes. Obviously I can't have that, McGonagall wouldn't be too happy if I didn't deliver you safely."

"I can handle myself, but thanks for the assist," I replied. I was both thinking I didn't need anyone's help and also touched that he would defend me.  

"Come on, lets get out of here before people ask why we're not in class." The late bell rang out as Oliver said this. We hastened to the side door of the school. The exit I would normally use to catch the bus home. This time of day there were no buses, and it was a deserted road. 

"Hey Oliver, my house is on the opposite side of the city. How are going to get there?" I asked him. We could catch a city bus or walk, though that would take a while. Without acknowledging my question Oliver tapped his wand on the top of my head and murmured an incantation. I felt as though something hot was dripping down the back of my neck. He did the same actions to himself and I realized that he must have cast a disillusionment spell. That's a complex spell, and to use it outside of the school year is risky. Perhaps the reasonable restriction of underage sorcery couldn't sense magic in other countries?

"We're going to fly." He said finally answering my question.  

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