Chapter 15 - Credentials

Start from the beginning

When JJ steps out of the room to call Garcia, you follow her, asking if there had been any word from Hotch. She confirms that there still has been nothing, and you nod, mumbling something about how it wasn't like him, before re-joining the team.

"Jeffrey, where are you?" Dr.Barton frantically speaks into his phone, looking towards you and the team with a worried expression. Your brow furrows, I thought he was upstairs?

Morgan sprints past you, running up the stairs, before appearing above you by the railing, "He's not up here."

Before rushing out of the house with Rossi, Morgan and JJ, you pull Emily to the side, asking her to let you know if she hears anything from Hotch. She nods, sending you a sympathetic smile, obviously hearing the concern in your voice and seeing the worry written all over your face. Thanking her, you wave goodbye to Reid, before heading to the door.

Striding out with the rest team, Dr. Barton tries to follow you, but Rossi orders him to stay in the house, telling him to let us do our job. He objects and starts to refuse, but after you and the team begin to explain in more detail, he finally agrees, allowing you to leave for Jeffrey's school.

Rossi took control at the high school, informing the headteacher of how things were going to proceed.

Stepping out of the headteacher's office when your phone rings, eagerly you answer the phone, hoping for news on Hotch.

"Hey Ana. Emily's gone to get Hotch because he's still not here and we need more eyes. Can you come and help me review these files so we can build a profile?" The fact Hotch still hadn't turned up was bothering you more than you cared to admit, but you pushed this aside, instead confirming with Reid that you'd be there soon.

Finishing up your call, you go to inform Rossi and JJ that you'd be heading back to Barton's house, telling them to ring you if they needed anything.

When you arrive back at the house, you notice that Reid looks a little angsty, so you ask him if everything's okay.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine, we just need to get through this." He runs a hand down his face before continuing, "Right, we know he's been killing Hispanic males as surrogates. Did you separate the case files?"

Dr. Barton nods, uttering a yes and gesturing in the direction of the specific pile.

"Okay, how many of the surgeries fit the criteria?" You question, reaching for the papers, skimming through them.


"Alright, now let me ask you this. On how many of those dates did you operate on somebody else as well?" Reid questions Dr. Barton again.


"Did any of those patients die on the table?" Reid asks again.

"10. Um, no, wait. 11." Dr. Barton reaches for a pile of patient files.

"Okay, 11. That's where we start, this whole thing is about choice. He's forcing you to play god with you son, because the last time you had a choice, your decision devastated him." Reid begins explaining details of the profile, to help narrow down the unsub.

You and Reid take it in turns, going backwards and forwards, going through specific dates where the doctor had operated on patients.

When Reid instructs Dr. Barton to look at the note again and the wording on the charts, you finally get somewhere. Dialling, you ring Garcia, asking her to look up the details of the patient that Dr. Barton remembers.

She informs you that he was taken off his ventilator and declared legally dead three days ago. Uttering to her that is the stress, you ask who the father is. She gives you the name and you tell her to get a photo of him to the school immediately, declaring that you believe he's the unsub.

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